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Re: Pre release for the cygwin/windows setup. Tests needed.

From: Jason Stover
Subject: Re: Pre release for the cygwin/windows setup. Tests needed.
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 14:05:35 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.10i

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:59:28PM +0200, unknown-1 wrote:
> I just uploaded a Cygwin version of the latest pspp pre release..
> Anybody who has time. Feel free to test it.

It worked well.

The only problem I had was that it didn't like being installed
in the usual c:/Program Files. I really hate spaces in filenames,
but I installed it there anyway since that's where a lot of
programs are installed on Windows. psppire gave the error that it
couldn't find the file 'c:/Program', so I guess the space isn't
being quoted when it starts.

Everything did install in c:/Program Files.

I installed it in the default c:/Cygwin, and it ran great.


> New issue for the users and not mentioned in the readme, you need
> administrator rights to use to advanced features form the GUI.
> For the developers:
> - does the gui write temporary files somewhere other as in /tmp ? It looks
> as if the program crashes on this when it doesn't have write priviliges
> - there are several issues with the dll's
>  1)  cygpsppire-0.dll is build and cygpsppire.dll is used
>  2)  cyppsppwidget-0.dll is build and used, But the program seems to look
> only in the current directory for it
> There is a work around for it, but this could give problems in the future.
> CU

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