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Re: Would like to develop statistical subroutines

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: Would like to develop statistical subroutines
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 09:15:25 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

A list of unimplemented commands can be found here:

It might be a good idea if someone were to copy these to in such a way that people can "vote" for the
procedures that they would most want to see.

My impressions from talking to users, and browsing the users list and
other forums, is that PSPP's most urgently required statistical
procedures are:

 1. Multivariate and repeated measures anova.  I understand Jason is
    working on a generalised linear model procedure, so all the others
    like MANOVA, ANACOVA, etc will be straightforward once the
    groundwork has been done.

 2. Logistic Regression.

 3. Reliability analysis.  I'm working on a cut-down version of
    RELIABILITY ; it'll do cronbach's alpha and a few other things,
    which is what most people use it for so far as I can tell.

 4. Factor Analysis.  Some reading has led me to conclude the most
    tricky bit will be aspects such as varimax rotation.

 5. Non-parametric methods, such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Wilcoxon, and
    Mann-Whitney tests.


On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 02:00:04PM +0100, John Graham wrote:
     Hi there,
     I want to start contributing statistical subroutines for PSPP - I was just
     wondering if there are any that are much requested/desired so that I can 
     on with those?
     I've read all the info on the 'contributing to PSPP' page of the website,
     and was planning to just start working through the list of things given
     there (i.e. "Logistic regression, Poisson regression, smoothing splines"...
     etc.) but if there's something that's desperately wanted I'll make a start
     on that instead.  Alternatively, is there (or could there be?) a list of
     functions needed, so people wanting to contribute will know where to make
     best use of their time?
     John G

     pspp-dev mailing list

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