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Mac Failed Tests: 4

From: Jeremy Lavergne
Subject: Mac Failed Tests: 4
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 09:00:31 -0400

Down to four failing tests now:
FAIL: tests/command/
FAIL: tests/formats/
FAIL: tests/libpspp/
FAIL: tests/libpspp/sparse-array-test

*** -   Mon Jul 19 08:52:18 2010
--- /tmp/pspp-tst-78643/pspp.csv        Mon Jul 19 08:52:18 2010
*** 13,16 ****
  ,height - age,rank - height
  Exact Sig. (2-tailed),.625,1.000
  Exact Sig. (1-tailed),.312,.500
! Point Probability,.250,.312
--- 13,16 ----
  ,height - age,rank - height
  Exact Sig. (2-tailed),.625,1.000
  Exact Sig. (1-tailed),.312,.500
! Point Probability,.250,.313
compare output 1
FAIL: tests/command/

Warning: cannot create a converter for "EBCDIC-US" to "UTF-8": Invalid argument
Warning: cannot create a converter for "ASCII" to "EBCDIC-US": Invalid argument
pspp(81024) malloc: *** error for object 0xffffffffffffffff: pointer being 
freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
fixed.bin:1: warning: (columns 1-10, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed.bin:2: warning: (columns 1-10, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed.bin:3: warning: (columns 1-3, F field) Field contents are not numeric.
fixed.bin:4: warning: (columns 1-10, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed.bin:5: warning: (columns 1-10, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed.bin:6: warning: (columns 1-3, F field) Field contents are not numeric.
fixed.bin:7: warning: (columns 1-10, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed.bin:8: warning: (columns 1-10, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed.bin:9: warning: (columns 1-3, F field) Field contents are not numeric.
fixed2.bin:1: warning: (columns 2-11, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed2.bin:1: warning: (columns 13-22, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed2.bin:2: warning: (columns 2-11, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed2.bin:2: warning: (columns 13-22, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed2.bin:3: warning: (columns 2-11, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
fixed2.bin:3: warning: (columns 13-22, ADATE field) Unrecognized month format.  
Months may be specified as Arabic or Roman numerals or as at least 3 letters of 
their English names.
You have discovered a bug in PSPP.  Please report this
to address@hidden  Please include this entire
message, *plus* several lines of output just above it.
For the best chance at having the bug fixed, also
include the syntax file that triggered it and a sample
of any data file used for input.
proximate cause:     Assertion Failure/Abort
version:             GNU pspp 0.7.5-g51356a (Mon Jul 19 08:48:09 EDT 2010).
host_system:         x86_64-apple-darwin10.4.0
build_system:        x86_64-apple-darwin10.4.0
locale_dir:          /opt/local/share/locale
compiler version:    4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5659)
run fixed.pspp
FAIL: tests/formats/

[0 0] error: xarray 0: row count (0) does not match expected (1)
[0 0] retracing error path:
  [0] empty sparse_xarray with n_columns=3, max_memory_rows=3
  [0 0] xarray 0: set (0,0) to 0
    [0 0] error: xarray 0: row count (0) does not match expected (1)

Parameters: --columns=3 --max-rows=3 --max-memory-rows=3 --values=2 --xarrays=1

Stopped by: reaching max error count
Errors found: 1

Unique states checked: 1
Maximum depth reached: 1
Mean depth reached: 1.00

Dropped duplicate states: 0
Dropped off-path states: 0
Dropped too-deep states: 0
Dropped queue-overflow states: 0
Checked states still queued when stopped: 0
Maximum queue length reached: 1

Runtime: 0.00 seconds
FAIL: tests/libpspp/

..tests/libpspp/sparse-array-test.c:180: Check failed in insert in ascending 
order with strides and offset test
FAIL: tests/libpspp/sparse-array-test

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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