Hi,actuallyI havenotan account, it isthe first timethat Iget so involvedin a projectopensource:D.
On the other hand, I recognize thatI have sailedinGITrepositories,but I've neverused
one, soI will readthe documentationrightto not spoilanything.
If youwant, you candelete thepreviousattachmentofthe mailing list(leaving onlythe last),I havebackupof everything.
I thinknotsend anything(unless it isto correct an
error),or up toa few months,whensignificant changeshaveorhave createdsomething new.
For now I amworking on auser manualtranslationinto Spanish,Castilian,and I alsointeresteda threadof the othermailing list,theimprovedsyntax highlighting forPSPPand integrate it intogedit. WhenHugoarrives, you will noticethat mostof the work iscompleted.