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Re: Re: non-ascii characters. I have cross-compiled it, but have no way

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: Re: non-ascii characters. I have cross-compiled it, but have no way to try it out. (John Darrington)Vol 142, Issue 9
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 14:53:17 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 02:12:56PM +0200, Harry Thijssen wrote:
     I am still confused. shows no
     0.8.6 version of pspp master to me.

There is no tag bearing the value 0.8.6 if that is what you mean.  I guess we 
can make 
one if it helps.

My understanding was that we increment the middle digit when making releases 
and the 
last digit whenever it is appropriate to do so (such as when ABI 
incompatibilities arise).
Also I understood that we used odd middle numbers for non-releases and even 
ones for actual

Although we seem to have forgotten this scheme.

     Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 10:44:46 +0200
     > From: John Darrington <address@hidden>
     > To: John Darrington <address@hidden>
     > Cc: address@hidden
     > Subject: Re: non-ascii characters.  I have cross-compiled it, but have
     >         no way  to try it out.
     > For some reason my comments to this patch got chopped.  What I meant to
     > say was:
     > This patch provides most of what is necessary to fix the issue on Windows
     > which
     > a number of users have complained about, viz:  not being able to read or
     > write
     > files which contain non-ascii characters in the filenames or their path.
     > I have checked that it cross compiles for windows, but have no means of
     > testing it.
     > Perhaps Harry can check that out.  I expect that it will have
     > (re)introduced another
     > issue however:  It will break when trying to overwrite a file which
     > already exists.
     I can check if this error is introduced. For the non-ascii errors in the
     file names it would be better if somebody who encounters this problem
     volunteers for testing it. This because the MSWindows settings can also
     have influence.

Obviously that would be better.  But any feedback is better than none.
     As it seems I don't see the correct gitweb situation, is the patch
     applied?  Or should I made a patch from the previous message and apply it
     to the snapshot?

No.  The patch has not yet been applied.  You will need to apply it yourself.


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