* Encoding: windows-1252. cd "g:\projects\pspp\glm-experiments" . * analysis 0 . set format = F20.3. data list file=glm.data notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2). list. List Notes |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:04:32| |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Comments | | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Syntax |list. | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.00 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| a b c y 1 1 6 3.50 1 2 2 8.90 1 3 3 9.60 1 4 4 10.50 1 5 5 3.10 1 6 1 5.90 2 1 2 4.20 2 2 6 1.90 2 3 5 3.70 2 4 3 10.20 2 5 1 7.20 2 6 4 7.60 3 1 1 6.70 3 2 4 5.80 3 3 6 -2.70 3 4 2 4.60 3 5 3 4.00 3 6 5 -.70 4 1 4 6.60 4 2 1 4.50 4 3 2 3.70 4 4 5 3.70 4 5 6 -3.30 4 6 3 3.00 5 1 3 4.10 5 2 5 2.40 5 3 4 6.00 5 4 1 5.10 5 5 2 3.50 5 6 6 4.00 6 1 5 3.80 6 2 3 5.80 6 3 1 7.00 6 4 6 3.80 6 5 4 5.00 6 6 2 8.60 Number of cases read: 36 Number of cases listed: 36 glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . General Linear Model Notes |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:04:32 | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Comments | | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Missing Value Handling|Definition of Missing |User-defined missing values are treated as missing. | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Cases Used |Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.| |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Syntax |glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.02 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Between-Subjects Factors |---|-| | |N| |-|-|-| |b|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| | |-|-| | |6|6| |-|-|-| |a|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| | |-|-| | |6|6| |-|-|-| |c|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| | |-|-| | |6|6| |-----| Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: y |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Source |Type III Sum of Squares|df|Mean Square|F |Sig.| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Model|263.064a |15|17.538 |5.269 |.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Intercept |815.103 |1 |815.103 |244.910|.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |a |78.869 |5 |15.774 |4.739 |.005| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |b |28.599 |5 |5.720 |1.719 |.176| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |c |155.596 |5 |31.119 |9.350 |.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Error |66.563 |20|3.328 | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Total |1144.730 |36| | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Total|329.628 |35| | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| a R Squared = .798 (Adjusted R Squared = .647) * Encoding: windows-1252. cd "g:\projects\pspp\glm-experiments" . * analysis 1. set format = F20.3. data list file='glm.data' notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2). do if a=6. recode y (else=SYSMIS). end if. list. List Notes |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:04:48| |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Comments | | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Syntax |list. | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| a b c y 1 1 6 3.50 1 2 2 8.90 1 3 3 9.60 1 4 4 10.50 1 5 5 3.10 1 6 1 5.90 2 1 2 4.20 2 2 6 1.90 2 3 5 3.70 2 4 3 10.20 2 5 1 7.20 2 6 4 7.60 3 1 1 6.70 3 2 4 5.80 3 3 6 -2.70 3 4 2 4.60 3 5 3 4.00 3 6 5 -.70 4 1 4 6.60 4 2 1 4.50 4 3 2 3.70 4 4 5 3.70 4 5 6 -3.30 4 6 3 3.00 5 1 3 4.10 5 2 5 2.40 5 3 4 6.00 5 4 1 5.10 5 5 2 3.50 5 6 6 4.00 6 1 5 . 6 2 3 . 6 3 1 . 6 4 6 . 6 5 4 . 6 6 2 . Number of cases read: 36 Number of cases listed: 36 glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . General Linear Model Notes |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:04:48 | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Comments | | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Missing Value Handling|Definition of Missing |User-defined missing values are treated as missing. | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Cases Used |Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.| |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Syntax |glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.11 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Between-Subjects Factors |---|-| | |N| |-|-|-| |b|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-|-|-| |a|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| |-|-|-| |c|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-----| Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: y |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Source |Type III Sum of Squares|df|Mean Square|F |Sig.| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Model|251.621a |14|17.973 |4.969 |.002| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Intercept |628.376 |1 |628.376 |173.737|.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |a |72.929 |4 |18.232 |5.041 |.009| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |b |20.703 |5 |4.141 |1.145 |.380| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |c |135.179 |5 |27.036 |7.475 |.001| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Error |54.253 |15|3.617 | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Total |934.250 |30| | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Total|305.874 |29| | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| a R Squared = .823 (Adjusted R Squared = .657) cd "g:\projects\pspp\glm-experiments" . * analysis 1-1. set format = F20.3. data list file='glm.data' notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2). select if a <> 6. list. List Notes |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:05:01| |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Comments | | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|30 | |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Syntax |list. | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.00 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| a b c y 1 1 6 3.50 1 2 2 8.90 1 3 3 9.60 1 4 4 10.50 1 5 5 3.10 1 6 1 5.90 2 1 2 4.20 2 2 6 1.90 2 3 5 3.70 2 4 3 10.20 2 5 1 7.20 2 6 4 7.60 3 1 1 6.70 3 2 4 5.80 3 3 6 -2.70 3 4 2 4.60 3 5 3 4.00 3 6 5 -.70 4 1 4 6.60 4 2 1 4.50 4 3 2 3.70 4 4 5 3.70 4 5 6 -3.30 4 6 3 3.00 5 1 3 4.10 5 2 5 2.40 5 3 4 6.00 5 4 1 5.10 5 5 2 3.50 5 6 6 4.00 Number of cases read: 30 Number of cases listed: 30 glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . General Linear Model Notes |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:05:01 | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Comments | | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|30 | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Missing Value Handling|Definition of Missing |User-defined missing values are treated as missing. | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Cases Used |Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.| |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Syntax |glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Between-Subjects Factors |---|-| | |N| |-|-|-| |b|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-|-|-| |a|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| |-|-|-| |c|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-----| Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: y |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Source |Type III Sum of Squares|df|Mean Square|F |Sig.| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Model|251.621a |14|17.973 |4.969 |.002| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Intercept |628.376 |1 |628.376 |173.737|.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |a |72.929 |4 |18.232 |5.041 |.009| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |b |20.703 |5 |4.141 |1.145 |.380| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |c |135.179 |5 |27.036 |7.475 |.001| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Error |54.253 |15|3.617 | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Total |934.250 |30| | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Total|305.874 |29| | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| a R Squared = .823 (Adjusted R Squared = .657) cd "g:\projects\pspp\glm-experiments" . * analysis 2 . set format = F20.3. data list file=glm.data notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2). do if a=6. recode b (else=SYSMIS). end do. Warning # 142. Command name: end LOOP has no effect on this command. Error # 1. Command name: end The first word in the line is not recognized as an SPSS Statistics command. Execution of this command stops. list. Warning # 142. Command name: list LOOP has no effect on this command. Error # 4095. Command name: list The transformations program contains an unclosed LOOP, DO IF, or complex file structure. Use the level-of-control shown to the left of the SPSS Statistics commands to determine the range of LOOPs and DO IFs. Execution of this command stops. glm y by b a c Warning # 142. Command name: glm LOOP has no effect on this command. Error # 4095. Command name: glm The transformations program contains an unclosed LOOP, DO IF, or complex file structure. Use the level-of-control shown to the left of the SPSS Statistics commands to determine the range of LOOPs and DO IFs. Execution of this command stops. /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . cd "g:\projects\pspp\glm-experiments" . Warning # 142. Command name: cd LOOP has no effect on this command. * analysis 2 . set format = F20.3. Warning # 142. Command name: set LOOP has no effect on this command. data list file=glm.data notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2). do if a=6. recode b (else=SYSMIS). end if. list. List Notes |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:05:26| |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Comments | | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Syntax |list. | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.02 | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| a b c y 1 1 6 3.50 1 2 2 8.90 1 3 3 9.60 1 4 4 10.50 1 5 5 3.10 1 6 1 5.90 2 1 2 4.20 2 2 6 1.90 2 3 5 3.70 2 4 3 10.20 2 5 1 7.20 2 6 4 7.60 3 1 1 6.70 3 2 4 5.80 3 3 6 -2.70 3 4 2 4.60 3 5 3 4.00 3 6 5 -.70 4 1 4 6.60 4 2 1 4.50 4 3 2 3.70 4 4 5 3.70 4 5 6 -3.30 4 6 3 3.00 5 1 3 4.10 5 2 5 2.40 5 3 4 6.00 5 4 1 5.10 5 5 2 3.50 5 6 6 4.00 6 . 5 3.80 6 . 3 5.80 6 . 1 7.00 6 . 6 3.80 6 . 4 5.00 6 . 2 8.60 Number of cases read: 36 Number of cases listed: 36 glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . General Linear Model Notes |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:05:26 | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Comments | | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Missing Value Handling|Definition of Missing |User-defined missing values are treated as missing. | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Cases Used |Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.| |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Syntax |glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Between-Subjects Factors |---|-| | |N| |-|-|-| |b|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-|-|-| |a|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| |-|-|-| |c|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-----| Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: y |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Source |Type III Sum of Squares|df|Mean Square|F |Sig.| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Model|251.621a |14|17.973 |4.969 |.002| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Intercept |628.376 |1 |628.376 |173.737|.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |a |72.929 |4 |18.232 |5.041 |.009| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |b |20.703 |5 |4.141 |1.145 |.380| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |c |135.179 |5 |27.036 |7.475 |.001| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Error |54.253 |15|3.617 | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Total |934.250 |30| | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Total|305.874 |29| | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| a R Squared = .823 (Adjusted R Squared = .657) cd "g:\projects\pspp\glm-experiments" . * analysis 3 . set format = F20.3. data list file=glm.data notable fixed /a 1 b 3 c 5 y 7-10(2). do if a=6. recode a (else=SYSMIS). end if. list. List Notes |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:05:52| |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Comments | | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |---------------------------------------------|--------------------| |Syntax |list. | |--------------|------------------------------|--------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|--------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.00 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| a b c y 1 1 6 3.50 1 2 2 8.90 1 3 3 9.60 1 4 4 10.50 1 5 5 3.10 1 6 1 5.90 2 1 2 4.20 2 2 6 1.90 2 3 5 3.70 2 4 3 10.20 2 5 1 7.20 2 6 4 7.60 3 1 1 6.70 3 2 4 5.80 3 3 6 -2.70 3 4 2 4.60 3 5 3 4.00 3 6 5 -.70 4 1 4 6.60 4 2 1 4.50 4 3 2 3.70 4 4 5 3.70 4 5 6 -3.30 4 6 3 3.00 5 1 3 4.10 5 2 5 2.40 5 3 4 6.00 5 4 1 5.10 5 5 2 3.50 5 6 6 4.00 . 1 5 3.80 . 2 3 5.80 . 3 1 7.00 . 4 6 3.80 . 5 4 5.00 . 6 2 8.60 Number of cases read: 36 Number of cases listed: 36 glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . General Linear Model Notes |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Output Created |20-JUN-2016 17:05:52 | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Comments | | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Input |Filter | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Weight | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|36 | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Missing Value Handling|Definition of Missing |User-defined missing values are treated as missing. | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Cases Used |Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.| |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Syntax |glm y by b a c /criteria=alpha(.05) /design = a b c . | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.00 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Between-Subjects Factors |---|-| | |N| |-|-|-| |b|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-|-|-| |a|1|6| | |-|-| | |2|6| | |-|-| | |3|6| | |-|-| | |4|6| | |-|-| | |5|6| |-|-|-| |c|1|5| | |-|-| | |2|5| | |-|-| | |3|5| | |-|-| | |4|5| | |-|-| | |5|5| | |-|-| | |6|5| |-----| Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: y |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Source |Type III Sum of Squares|df|Mean Square|F |Sig.| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Model|251.621a |14|17.973 |4.969 |.002| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Intercept |628.376 |1 |628.376 |173.737|.000| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |a |72.929 |4 |18.232 |5.041 |.009| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |b |20.703 |5 |4.141 |1.145 |.380| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |c |135.179 |5 |27.036 |7.475 |.001| |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Error |54.253 |15|3.617 | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Total |934.250 |30| | | | |---------------|-----------------------|--|-----------|-------|----| |Corrected Total|305.874 |29| | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| a R Squared = .823 (Adjusted R Squared = .657)