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Re: [PATCH 16/16] docs: add uefi variable service documentation and TODO

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [PATCH 16/16] docs: add uefi variable service documentation and TODO list.
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 09:56:13 -0600
User-agent: NeoMutt/20231103

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 04:12:38PM +0100, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@redhat.com>
> ---
>  docs/devel/index-internals.rst |  1 +
>  docs/devel/uefi-vars.rst       | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  hw/uefi/TODO.md                | 17 +++++++++
>  3 files changed, 84 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 docs/devel/uefi-vars.rst
>  create mode 100644 hw/uefi/TODO.md

> +
> +Guest UEFI variable management
> +==============================
> +
> +Traditional approach for UEFI Variable storage in qemu guests is to

The traditional

> +work as close as possible to physical hardware.  That means provide


> +pflash as storage and leave the management of variables and flash to


> +the guest.

> +
> +Secure boot support comes with the requirement that the UEFI variable
> +storage must be protected against direct access by the OS.  All update
> +requests must pass the sanity checks.  (Parts of) the firmware must
> +run with a higher priviledge level than the OS so this can be enforced


> +by the firmware.  On x86 this has been implemented using System
> +Management Mode (SMM) in qemu and kvm, which again is the same
> +approach taken by physical hardware.  Only priviedged code running in


> +SMM mode is allowed to access flash storage.
> +
> +Communication with the firmware code running in SMM mode works by
> +serializing the requests to a shared buffer, then trapping into SMM
> +mode via SMI.  The SMM code processes the request, stores the reply in
> +the same buffer and returns.
> +
> +Host UEFI variable service
> +==========================
> +
> +Instead of running the priviledged code inside the guest we can run it


> +on the host.  The serialization protocol cen be reused.  The


> +communication with the host uses a virtual device, which essentially
> +allows to configure the shared buffer location and size and to trap to

s/allows to configure/configures/
s/and to trap/, and traps/

> +the host to process the requests.
> +
> +The ``uefi-vars`` device implements the UEFI virtual device.  It comes
> +in ``uefi-vars-isa`` and ``uefi-vars-sysbus`` flavours.  The device
> +reimplements the handlers needed, specifically
> +``EfiSmmVariableProtocol`` and ``VarCheckPolicyLibMmiHandler``.  It
> +also consumes events (``EfiEndOfDxeEventGroup``,
> +``EfiEventReadyToBoot`` and ``EfiEventExitBootServices``).
> +
> +The advantage of the approach is that we do not need a special
> +prividge level for the firmware to protect itself, i.e. it does not


> +depend on SMM emulation on x64, which allows to remove a bunch of

s/allows to remove/allows the removal of/

> +complex code for SMM emulation from the linux kernel
> +(CONFIG_KVM_SMM=n).  It also allows to support secure boot on arm

s/to support/support for/

> +without implementing secure world (el3) emulation in kvm.
> +
> +Of course there are also downsides.  The added device increases the
> +attack surface of the host, and we are adding some code duplication
> +because we have to reimplement some edk2 functionality in qemu.
> +

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libguestfs.org

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