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Re: [PATCH v11 00/13] hw/block/nvme: Support Namespace Types and Zoned N

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [PATCH v11 00/13] hw/block/nvme: Support Namespace Types and Zoned Namespace Command Set
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2021 12:25:19 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.10.0

On 05-02-2021 11:39, Klaus Jensen wrote:
> This is a good way to report it ;)
> It is super helpful and super appreciated! Thanks!

Good to know :)

> I cant reproduce that. Can you share your qemu configuration, kernel
> version?

I create the image and launch QEMU with:
qemu-img create -f raw znsssd.img 16777216

qemu-system-x86_64 -name qemuzns -m 4G -cpu Haswell -smp 2 -hda \
./arch-qemu.qcow2 -net user,hostfwd=tcp::7777-:22,\
hostfwd=tcp::2222-:2000 -net nic \
-drive file=./znsssd.img,id=mynvme,format=raw,if=none \
-device nvme-subsys,id=subsys0 \
-device nvme,serial=baz,id=nvme2,zoned.append_size_limit=131072,\
subsys=subsys0 \
-device nvme-ns,id=ns2,drive=mynvme,nsid=2,logical_block_size=4096,\

This should create 128 zones as 16777216 / 131072 = 128. My qemu version
is on d79d797b0dd02c33dc9428123c18ae97127e967b of nvme-next.

I don't actually think the subsys is needed when you use bus=, that is
just something left over from trying to identify why the nvme device was
not initializing.

I use an Arch qcow image with kernel version 5.10.12

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