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Re: IDE pending patches

From: Kevin Wolf
Subject: Re: IDE pending patches
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 17:43:02 +0100

Am 02.11.2023 um 12:23 hat Niklas Cassel geschrieben:
> Hello Philippe, Kevin,
> The QEMU 8.2 freeze is next week,
> and the IDE maintainer (John) hasn't been replying to emails lately.
> Kevin, considering that you picked up Fiona's series:
> https://lore.kernel.org/qemu-devel/d6286ef8-6cf0-4e72-90e9-e91cef9daf3e@proxmox.com/
> which was sent 2023-09-06, via your tree, do you think that you could
> queue up some additional pending IDE patches?
> If you don't want to take them, perhaps Kevin can take them?

Yes, I can take IDE patches through my tree if necessary. And actually I
went through patches that are still open and saw yours earlier this
week, so I already made a mental note to get to them in time for 8.2.

> I have these two patches:
> https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-block/2023-10/msg00172.html
> which was sent 2023-10-05
> and
> https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-block/2023-10/msg00382.html
> which was sent 2023-10-11

Both of them are fixes, so they are not immediately affected by the
feature freeze. If there is feature work to do, it will take priority
for me until Tuesday.

> Looking at the list, Mark's series:
> https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-block/2023-10/msg01289.html
> v2 was sent quite recently, 2023-10-24, but seems to have sufficient
> tags to be ready to go in this cycle as well.

It only seems to have Tested-by tags so far, so if you have spare cycles
to give it some actual code review, that might be useful. I'll try to
have a look, too.


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