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RE: [Qemu-devel] Re: Shutting down QEmu fails after Soundblater timeouts

From: Andreas Bollhalder
Subject: RE: [Qemu-devel] Re: Shutting down QEmu fails after Soundblater timeouts
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 11:51:52 +0200

> The first window is the command prompt from where you launched qemu,
> closing it will close qemu too (not sure as I never tried)

It seems like that. But the previous version didn't had this window.
More far back, there has been that window with the console. But this
window is only black and for nothing, because the console is
integrated in the QEmu window.

>With linux guest, I can play wave, ogg and mp3 (all 44100 stereo),
>ending playback doesn't end the sound totally, there is one sample
>that is repeated endlessly until I play another file.

Same behavor here, if I stop playing the sound. If the whole file has
played and no soundblaster timeout occured, all is right and I can
close QEmu without a hitch.

> I *can* switch with ctrl-alt-?

As I tried again, I can too. Only if QEmu hangs after a soundblaster
timeout and the shutdown command, the "Ctrl-Alt" doesn't work anymore.
Also, I can't move mouse pointer outside the border of the hanging
QEmu window. It's like a screen area jail and I can use the other
windows, if they lay over the QEmu window in that border. Switching
the screen release that restriction.


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