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Re: [Qemu-devel] Mac keyboard not supported

From: Laurent Amon
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Mac keyboard not supported
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 21:16:43 +0100

I agree that this is not the best of solutions but just a quick hack to make qemu useable on the mac. However, I am not sure the SDL guys are quick at applying patches and I do not even think SDL will ever give correct results on the mac, unless there is a major rework.
Actually, to make a perfect keyboard emulation on the mac would need to 
work at the Carbon level (to differenciate between the left and right 
modifier keys) and remap everything correctly to a PC keybord (taking 
into account whether the modifier keys are active, since some 
characters are placed differently from  a PC keyboard. Not a simple 
project and since my developer skills are quite rusty (and I never was 
a Mac programmer), I'll stick to simple things. If anybody wants to 
tackle this, either at the qemu or at the SDL level, you're welcome.
I also agree that patching SDL is a better solution. On the other hand, 
you would have to include specially patched SDL binaries when you 
distribute a binary on FreeOSZoo. And people tracking CVS would also 
have to patch and compile SDL (actually, there are a couple things to 
patch in QuartzGL anyway, so...).
Bye for now,


On 2 janv. 05, at 20:22, Johannes Schindelin wrote:


On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, Phil Krylov wrote:

I have U.S. layout on a TiBook. 'A' returns SDLK_WORLD_0 (160) here...
This is wrong. It's SDL's fault. As most of the other errors with the
keymaps. 'A' *has to* return SDLK_A, and it is semi-standard that
SDLK_WORLD_* are *only* returned when Latin1-characters are pressed
(ä,ö,etc.), and then return the Latin1 code for it.

Looking at the SDL-sources, it seems quite easy to solve those bugs. Those are bugs. And by fixing it, you fix all SDL applications on OS X, not just
QEmu. And you can concentrate on useful things after that. Fixing those
bugs is so much better than working around them. Working around them
*never* will be portable, and it's a *duplication* of work. I'd do it
myself, but I don't *have* a Mac. If you provide me one, I'd be glad to
fix the problem.

If the wall turns black, it might be better to put out the fire instead of
painting the wall white all the time.


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