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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] OSX x86_64 host support

From: Mike Kronenberg
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] OSX x86_64 host support
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 17:52:03 +0100

Hi from Q,

Yes we have a OpenGL, CG and in dev a Core Animation version for vga output. Quickdraw is depreciated since Tiger. But as QEMU has never added gcc4 to the tool-chain, there was never a official running version on any Intel machine :)
Our OpenGL and CG  implementation offer fullscreen and tablet support  
Fullscreen is very slow on the CG implementation, but was speeded up  
by Core-Animation.
I'd going with the OpenGL implementation, if the "true" opengl  
implementation for QEMU was coming ;).
Else the partial screen-redrawing of CG is faster than OpenGL.

On the other hand, the QT implementation is and remains the fastest solution, as no of the other allows directly accessing the video- buffer, which results in way more copying.
If there is need for back-porting any of this stuff, that would be no  
For the new Q front-end, we are going with a CG approach only, but we  
bypass cocoa.m altogether and mmap (shmem allows only 4mb on OS X)  
everything to the viewer app.

On 07.12.2007, at 21:19, Andreas Färber wrote:

Am 07.12.2007 um 21:12 schrieb Alexander Graf:

On Dec 7, 2007, at 6:43 PM, Pierre d'Herbemont wrote:

On Dec 7, 2007, at 1:42 PM, Alexander Graf wrote:

Right now there is no graphical output available except for VNC, as the cocoa output depends on deprecated APIs that are no longer available in 64-bit mode and SDL does not compile on x86_64 Darwin yet.
This is the QuickDraw API? If so, it should be quite straight  
forward to use OpenGL or CoreGraphics instead...
What about not disabling Cocoa, and simply print a nice #error or  
#warning that explains that the quickdraw part needs fixing?

Yes, it's the QuickDraw API. I'm currently looking into this, so if you know anything about the transition to CoreGraphics, please let me know or point me to some documentation on that.
I'd rather have a proper patch for the cocoa output than anything  
else. Disabling it is only a temporary workaround to have it build  
at all.
Doesn't Q offer all three? I'm pretty sure I've been using its  
OpenGL option with success.



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