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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH RFC] msix_init: input params *_offset isn't the

From: Marcel Apfelbaum
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH RFC] msix_init: input params *_offset isn't the real one
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 13:54:10 +0300
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On 08/10/2016 06:18 AM, Cao jin wrote:
The parameter table_offset & pba_offset is kind of confusing, they shouldn't
include bir field.

Signed-off-by: Cao jin <address@hidden>


According to the passed arguments, I guess all the callers of msix_init()
has the same feeling with me, but I am not quite sure about this, so, RFC.

 hw/pci/msix.c | 7 +++----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/pci/msix.c b/hw/pci/msix.c
index 0ec1cb1..3a16d83 100644
--- a/hw/pci/msix.c
+++ b/hw/pci/msix.c
@@ -264,8 +264,7 @@ int msix_init(struct PCIDevice *dev, unsigned short 
     if ((table_bar_nr == pba_bar_nr &&
          ranges_overlap(table_offset, table_size, pba_offset, pba_size)) ||
         table_offset + table_size > memory_region_size(table_bar) ||
-        pba_offset + pba_size > memory_region_size(pba_bar) ||
-        (table_offset | pba_offset) & PCI_MSIX_FLAGS_BIRMASK) {
+        pba_offset + pba_size > memory_region_size(pba_bar)) {
         return -EINVAL;
I think we should keep the '(table_offset | pba_offset) & 
test since it is required by spec, please see: PCI Spec " Table Offset/Table 
BIR for MSI-X"

 Table offset: ...The lower 3 Table BIR bits are masked off (set to zero) by 
               to form a 32-bit QWORD -aligned offset.

This function gets the offset parameters as the whole 32-BIT QWORD and checks 
it does not collide
with the BIR offset.


@@ -282,8 +281,8 @@ int msix_init(struct PCIDevice *dev, unsigned short 
     dev->msix_entries_nr = nentries;
     dev->msix_function_masked = true;

-    pci_set_long(config + PCI_MSIX_TABLE, table_offset | table_bar_nr);
-    pci_set_long(config + PCI_MSIX_PBA, pba_offset | pba_bar_nr);
+    pci_set_long(config + PCI_MSIX_TABLE, (table_offset << 3) | table_bar_nr);
+    pci_set_long(config + PCI_MSIX_PBA, (pba_offset << 3) | pba_bar_nr);

Here is a similar issue. Your interpretation suggests we need to shift left the 
to make room for BIR, but I think current implementation looks at it 
differently already
receiving the offset as a 32-bit QWORD and simply does not "look" to the lower 
implying them 0.


     /* Make flags bit writable. */
     dev->wmask[cap + MSIX_CONTROL_OFFSET] |= MSIX_ENABLE_MASK |

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