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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH RFC 0/7] COLO block replication supports shared

From: Changlong Xie
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH RFC 0/7] COLO block replication supports shared disk case
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 10:06:33 +0800
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I did't review p5/p6, I think you can merge p5/p6 into a single one.
Also don't forget update qapi/block-core.json with p3.


On 10/20/2016 09:57 PM, zhanghailiang wrote:
COLO block replication doesn't support the shared disk case,
Here we try to implement it.

Just as the scenario of non-shared disk block replication,
we are going to implement block replication from many basic
blocks that are already in QEMU.
The architecture is:

          virtio-blk                     ||                               
              /                          ||                               | 
             /                           ||                               
            /                            ||                                 
           /                             ||                                     
           |                             ||                               
           |                    NBD  -------->   NBD   (2)                      
           |                  client     ||    server ---> hidden disk <-- 
active disk(4)
           |                     ^       ||                      |
           |              replication(1) ||                      |
           |                     |       ||                      |
           |   +-----------------'       ||                      |
          (3)  |drive-backup sync=none   ||                      |
--------. |   +-----------------+       ||                      |
Primary | |                     |       ||           backing    |
--------' |                     |       ||                      |
           V                     |                               |
        +-------------------------------------------+            |
        |               shared disk                 | <----------+
1) Primary writes will read original data and forward it to Secondary
2) The hidden-disk will buffers the original content that is modified
    by the primary VM. It should also be an empty disk, and
    the driver supports bdrv_make_empty() and backing file.
3) Primary write requests will be written to Shared disk.
4) Secondary write requests will be buffered in the active disk and it
    will overwrite the existing sector content in the buffe

For more details, please refer to patch 1.

The complete codes can be found from the link:

Test steps:
1. Secondary:
# x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -boot c -m 2048 -smp 2 -qmp stdio -vnc :9 
-name secondary -enable-kvm -cpu qemu64,+kvmclock -device piix3-usb-uhci -drive 
 -incoming tcp:0:9999

Issue qmp commands:
{'execute': 'nbd-server-start', 'arguments': {'addr': {'type': 'inet', 'data': 
{'host': '0', 'port': '9998'} } } }
{'execute': 'nbd-server-add', 'arguments': {'device': 'hidden_disk0', 
'writable': true } }

# x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -smp 2 -qmp stdio -vnc 
:9 -name primary -cpu qemu64,+kvmclock -device piix3-usb-uhci -drive 
if=virtio,id=primary_disk0,file.filename=/work/kvm/suse11_sp3_64,driver=raw -S

Issue qmp commands:
{'execute': 'human-monitor-command', 'arguments': {'command-line': 'drive_add 
-n buddy 
{'execute': 'migrate-set-capabilities', 'arguments': {'capabilities': [ 
{'capability': 'x-colo', 'state': true } ] } }
{'execute': 'migrate', 'arguments': {'uri': 'tcp:' } }

3. Failover
Secondary side:
Issue qmp commands:
{ 'execute': 'nbd-server-stop' }
{ "execute": "x-colo-lost-heartbeat" }

Please review and any commits are welcomed.

Cc: Juan Quintela <address@hidden>
Cc: Amit Shah <address@hidden>
Cc: Dr. David Alan Gilbert (git) <address@hidden>

zhanghailiang (7):
   docs/block-replication: Add description for shared-disk case
   block-backend: Introduce blk_root() helper
   replication: add shared-disk and shared-disk-id options
   replication: Split out backup_do_checkpoint() from
   replication: fix code logic with the new shared_disk option
   replication: Implement block replication for shared disk case
   nbd/replication: implement .bdrv_get_info() for nbd and replication

  block/block-backend.c          |   5 ++
  block/nbd.c                    |  12 ++++
  block/replication.c            | 146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
  docs/block-replication.txt     | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
  include/sysemu/block-backend.h |   1 +
  5 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

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