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Re: [Qemu-devel] [Qemu-devel PATCH 4/5] msf2: Add Smartfusion2 SoC.

From: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [Qemu-devel PATCH 4/5] msf2: Add Smartfusion2 SoC.
Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 02:02:37 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.8.0

On 05/12/2017 12:17 AM, sundeep subbaraya wrote:
Hi Philippe,

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 5:20 PM, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <address@hidden>

Hi Subbaraya,

On 05/09/2017 01:44 PM, Subbaraya Sundeep wrote:

Smartfusion2 SoC has hardened Microcontroller subsystem
and flash based FPGA fabric. This patch adds support for
Microcontroller subsystem in the SoC.

Signed-off-by: Subbaraya Sundeep <address@hidden>
 default-configs/arm-softmmu.mak |   1 +
 hw/arm/Makefile.objs            |   2 +-
 hw/arm/msf2-soc.c               | 188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/hw/arm/msf2-soc.h       |  60 +++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 250 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/arm/msf2-soc.c
 create mode 100644 include/hw/arm/msf2-soc.h

diff --git a/default-configs/arm-softmmu.mak
index 78d7af0..7062512 100644
--- a/default-configs/arm-softmmu.mak
+++ b/default-configs/arm-softmmu.mak
@@ -122,3 +122,4 @@ CONFIG_ACPI=y
diff --git a/hw/arm/Makefile.objs b/hw/arm/Makefile.objs
index 4c5c4ee..ae5e4a3 100644
--- a/hw/arm/Makefile.objs
+++ b/hw/arm/Makefile.objs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 obj-y += boot.o collie.o exynos4_boards.o gumstix.o highbank.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DIGIC) += digic_boards.o
 obj-y += integratorcp.o mainstone.o musicpal.o nseries.o
-obj-y += omap_sx1.o palm.o realview.o spitz.o stellaris.o
+obj-y += omap_sx1.o palm.o realview.o spitz.o stellaris.o msf2-soc.o

Not a big deal, but since you added CONFIG_MSF2 why not using it here and
the Makefiles you touched (misc/ssi/timer)?

obj-$(CONFIG_MSF2) += msf2-soc.o

  OK. Will change it.
 obj-y += tosa.o versatilepb.o vexpress.o virt.o xilinx_zynq.o z2.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_ACPI) += virt-acpi-build.o
 obj-y += netduino2.o
+    MemoryRegion *system_memory = get_system_memory();
+    MemoryRegion *nvm = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
+    MemoryRegion *nvm_alias = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
+    MemoryRegion *sram = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
+    MemoryRegion *ddr = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
+    memory_region_init_ram(nvm, NULL, "MSF2.envm", ENVM_SIZE,
+                           &error_fatal);

Maybe you can name it "eNVM" to match the documentation.

Also envm_size should be a per-model property.


+    memory_region_init_alias(nvm_alias, NULL, "MSF2.flash.alias",
+                             nvm, 0, ENVM_SIZE);

Hmmm well this would be the "Cache Matrix Remap" which happens to be
mapped by default to eNVM on cold reset.
Naming it "MSF2.flash.alias" is pretty confusing.

Exactly it is Cache Matrix Remap.
AFAIK currently we cannot remap memory during runtime in Qemu.
So I handled default remap with alias.
Please suggest the name. MSF2.eNVM.alias sounds fine?
Hmm Peter, Francis?

Personally I prefer "bus_remap.alias" which is explicit.

"eNVM.alias" is only true on Cold Reset.

+    vmstate_register_ram_global(nvm);
+    memory_region_set_readonly(nvm, true);
+    memory_region_set_readonly(nvm_alias, true);
+    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, ENVM_BASE_ADDRESS, nvm);
+    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, 0, nvm_alias);
+    memory_region_init_ram(ddr, NULL, "MSF2.ddr", DDR_SIZE,
+                           &error_fatal);

Wrong, there is no DDR on this SoC.

DDR controller is there in Smartfusion2 (different from Smartfusion). As
you said below this
should be in board file.
There IS a DDRC in this SoC, but here you are registering a DDR 'ram' 
memory region, not a controller. This SoC can be used without any DDR, 
enough using embedded eNVM and eSRAM.
Now it happens your SoM board provides a DDR chip connected to this SoC.

+    vmstate_register_ram_global(ddr);
+    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, DDR_BASE_ADDRESS, ddr);
+    memory_region_init_ram(sram, NULL, "MSF2.sram", SRAM_SIZE,
+                           &error_fatal);

I'd rather like to see it named "eSRAM" somehow, so there is no confusion
possible with external SRAM a SoM/board can map at 0x60000000.

Same comment than envm_size, sram_size should be a per-model property.

+    vmstate_register_ram_global(sram);
+    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, SRAM_BASE_ADDRESS, sram);
+    armv7m = DEVICE(&s->armv7m);
+    qdev_prop_set_uint32(armv7m, "num-irq", 96);

Can you point me to your datasheet? I thought the SF2 had 240 IRQs.

Please go to link:
and provide search keyword as "UG0331". You can the download the spec.
It has 81 irqs I remember when I have given 81 qemu complained not multiple
of 4.
I checked again with 81 and it is fine. I will change it to 81.
Ok :)

+    qdev_prop_set_string(armv7m, "cpu-model", "cortex-m3");
+    object_property_set_link(OBJECT(&s->armv7m),
+                                     "memory", &error_abort);
+#define MSF2_NUM_SPIS         2
+#define MSF2_NUM_UARTS        2
+#define ENVM_BASE_ADDRESS     0x60000000
+#define ENVM_SIZE             (128 * 1024)

The SoC design ENVM_SIZE is 1MB, 128K seems your particular model.

 M2S010 SoC device has 256K eNMV. My bad it should be 256 instead of 128.
 The board I have contains M2S010 device in SOM.

What I mean here is on the SF2 the eNVM "region size" (as seen by the 
AHB Bus) is 1MB. Now your SoC M2S010 provides 256KB in this dedicated 1M 
I find your #define confusing, what about:

#define ENVM_REGION_SIZE      (1 * M_BYTE)
#define M2S010_ENVM_SIZE      (256 * K_BYTE)

(?_BYTE from "qemu/cutils.h")

I wanted to clarify this because you named your functions as it can models any SF2 but actually you restrict it to your M2S010.
Maybe to start you can rename msf2_soc_x() -> m2s010_sf2_soc_x() then if 
needed this can be generalized to other SoCs from SF2 family?
+#define DDR_BASE_ADDRESS      0xA0000000
+#define DDR_SIZE              (64 * 1024 * 1024)

This belongs to the SoM.
Yes will change it.

+#define SRAM_BASE_ADDRESS     0x20000000
+#define SRAM_SIZE             (64 * 1024)

Indeed this SoC is designed to have up to 64K of SRAM.
Luckily your model provides 64K.

Yes it is 64k :)

Same here, what you have is:

#define ESRAM_REGION_SIZE     (64 * K_BYTE)
#define M2S010_ESRAM_SIZE     (64 * K_BYTE)

which happens to be equal but does not mean the same, do you see the difference?
+typedef struct MSF2State {
+    /*< private >*/
+    SysBusDevice parent_obj;
+    /*< public >*/
+    ARMv7MState armv7m;
+    MSF2SysregState sysreg;
+    MSF2TimerState timer;
+    MSF2SpiState spi[MSF2_NUM_SPIS];
+} MSF2State;

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