On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 12:12:49 +0200
Christian Borntraeger <address@hidden> wrote:
On 09/25/2017 12:07 PM, Cornelia Huck wrote:
On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:27:00 +0200
Halil Pasic <address@hidden> wrote:
One thing I would find very helpful is what do we expect to work and not
work for which version. Kind of a matrix. For instance should vfio pci
work for versions prior 2.11. I think in the not so distant past we
changed how SIC works (so it complains when we don't have ais).
A matrix sounds like a good idea.
I think we do not even need a matrix, a minimum level will suffice because...
I don't think we really ever had a setup that worked out of the box
exactly: ...it never worked until 2.10 and we do not have libvirt support yet.
Now with the fix 2.10 will also not work, so I think its fair to say
PCI passthrough via VFIO will be supported for
- KVM: host kernel >= 4.13
- QEMU >= 2.11
- libvirt TBD
Make that zpci-per-se, no?
with KVM: host kernel >= 4.13 && QEMU >= 2.11
with TCG: tbd, I don't think anybody has time to wire this up for 2.11
Apropos libvirt: How will it determine whether zpci should be
supported? There are some old QEMU + KVM combinations out there that
will have a phb (but not be usable by stock Linux guests as the feature
bits are missing). Version fence? Check for cpu feature support?