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Re: [Bug 1890545] Re: (ARM64) qemu-x86_64+schroot(Debian bullseye) can't

From: Alex Bennée
Subject: Re: [Bug 1890545] Re: (ARM64) qemu-x86_64+schroot(Debian bullseye) can't run chrome and can't load HTML
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 12:06:50 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.5; emacs 28.0.50

Tony.LI <1890545@bugs.launchpad.net> writes:

> It's fine on x86 that I use qemu-x86_64-static.But it's bad on arm.So
> what is the problem?

Could be a number of things - is Chrome using threading alongside it's
multiple processes?

Alex Bennée

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