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Re: [RFC 3/6] target/riscv: rvk: add flag support for Zk/Zkn/Zknd/Zknd/Z

From: liweiwei
Subject: Re: [RFC 3/6] target/riscv: rvk: add flag support for Zk/Zkn/Zknd/Zknd/Zkne/Zknh/Zks/Zksed/Zksh/Zkr
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2021 09:06:17 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.13.0

在 2021/11/3 上午1:56, Richard Henderson 写道:
On 11/1/21 11:11 PM, liweiwei wrote:
+        if (cpu->cfg.ext_zk) {
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zbkb = true;
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zbkc = true;
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zbkx = true;
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zknd = true;
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zkne = true;
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zknh = true;
+            cpu->cfg.ext_zkr = true;
+        }
Section 2.12 lists instead the larger Zkn, Zks, Zkt extensions.
I think it's better to follow that.

OK. I'll replace this with setting ext_zkn, ext_zks, ext_zkt true. By the way, Zkt only includes partial RVI/M/C instructions. Is it neccessary to distinguish them?

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