Hi Bernhard,
Hi Bin,
On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 11:25 PM Bernhard Beschow <shentey@gmail.com> wrote:
> This series adds support for -pflash and direct SD card access to the
> PPC e500 boards. The idea is to increase compatibility with "real" firmware
> images where only the bare minimum of drivers is compiled in.
> The series is structured as follows:
> Patches 1-3 perform some general cleanup which paves the way for the rest of
> the series.
> Patches 4-7 add -pflash handling where memory-mapped flash can be added on
> user's behalf. That is, the flash memory region is only added if the -pflash
> argument is supplied. Note that the cfi01 device model becomes stricter in
> checking the size of the emulated flash space.
> Patches 8-11 add a new device model - the Freescale eSDHC - to the e500
> boards which was missing so far.
> User documentation is also added as the new features become available.
> Tesing done:
> * `qemu-system-ppc -M ppce500 -cpu e500mc -m 256 -kernel uImage -append
> "console=ttyS0 rootwait root=/dev/mtdblock0 nokaslr" -drive
> if=pflash,file=rootfs.ext2,format=raw`
> * `qemu-system-ppc -M ppce500 -cpu e500mc -m 256 -kernel uImage -append
> "console=ttyS0 rootwait root=/dev/mmcblk0" -device sd-card,drive=mydrive -drive
> id=mydrive,if=none,file=rootfs.ext2,format=raw`
Thanks for the patches!
My obligation!
Did you get a chance to test the U-Boot image to work with pflash and eSDHC?
No, unfortunately not. Testing U-Boot would involve familiarizing myself with it first which will probably come at some point. Right now, however, my focus is on running a proprietary firmware flash image.
Best regards,
> The load was created using latest Buildroot with `make
> qemu_ppc_e500mc_defconfig` where the rootfs was configured to be of ext2 type.
> In both cases it was possible to log in and explore the root file system.