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Re: [RFC PATCH v3 1/5] build-sys: Add rust feature option

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH v3 1/5] build-sys: Add rust feature option
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:34:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 6/25/24 23:47, Manos Pitsidianakis wrote:
On Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:14, Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com> wrote:
Yes, I agree. However, considering we haven't even checked the situation
with what language features are required by any idiomatic bindings vs the
1.63 version that we need to support for Debian, I think it's a bit
premature to make it mandatory.

FWIW, I just ran

`cargo msrv -- cargo check --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`

And the result was `The MSRV is: 1.77.2`

and the most important issue was that the mem::offset_of! macro was unstable till then.
I looked for a way to avoid it and the most promising is 
Basically, you replace

    pub struct Foo {
        foo: i32,
        bar: i32


    with_offsets! {
        #[repr(C)]  // mandatory
        pub struct Foo {
            foo: i32,
            bar: i32,

The macro walks the struct twice, once to actually declare it and once to determine the offsets using mem::size_of and mem::align_of. The result is something like
        #[repr(C)]  // mandatory
        pub struct Foo {
            foo: i32,
            bar: i32,

        pub struct FooOffsets {
            foo: usize,
            bar: usize,

        impl Foo {
            pub const offset_to: FooOffsets = FooOffsets {
                foo: 0,
                bar: 4,

(where 0 and 4 are actually the aforementioned computation based on size_of and align_of).
There are some limitations but the trick is really well done; the need 
for #[repr(C)] is not a problem for us (C<->Rust interoperability needs 
it anyway), and the implementation is fully "const".  And though it only 
works for structs that use "with_offsets!", and with just one level of 
fields, the implementation of offset_of is trivial:
    macro_rules! offset_of {
        ($Container:ty, $field:ident) => {

Anyhow, this should _not_ be in the first version that is committed---which, as you remarked in the v2, should focus on working build system integration. As long as we know it is doable, it can be left for later.

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