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Re: [RFC PATCH 00/23] accel/tcg: Convert victim tlb to IntervalTree

From: Richard Henderson
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH 00/23] accel/tcg: Convert victim tlb to IntervalTree
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 17:07:58 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 10/9/24 17:50, Pierrick Bouvier wrote:
Eventually fixing the page size > TARGET_PAGE_SIZE performance issues.

E.g. with a 16k or 64k aarch64 guest kernel, we still have TARGET_PAGE_SIZE at 
4k, so all
guest pages are "large", and so run into our current behaviour of flushing the 
entire tlb
too often.

Even without that, I expect further cleanups to improve performance, we're just not there yet.


Does merging pages over a given range be something we could benefit from too? In this case, entries in our tlbtree would have varying size, allowing us to cover more space with a single entry.

I don't know.  I kinda doubt it, because of tlb flushing mechanics.
But we shall see once everything up until that point is done.


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