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Re: [PATCH v3 08/11] target/riscv: Add counter delegation/configuration

From: Daniel Henrique Barboza
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 08/11] target/riscv: Add counter delegation/configuration support
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2024 18:49:43 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 12/2/24 6:15 PM, Atish Kumar Patra wrote:
On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 4:53 AM Daniel Henrique Barboza
<dbarboza@ventanamicro.com> wrote:

On 11/17/24 10:15 PM, Atish Patra wrote:
From: Kaiwen Xue <kaiwenx@rivosinc.com>

The Smcdeleg/Ssccfg adds the support for counter delegation via
S*indcsr and Ssccfg.

It also adds a new shadow CSR scountinhibit and menvcfg enable bit (CDE)
to enable this extension and scountovf virtualization.

Signed-off-by: Kaiwen Xue <kaiwenx@rivosinc.com>
Co-developed-by: Atish Patra <atishp@rivosinc.com>
Signed-off-by: Atish Patra <atishp@rivosinc.com>
   target/riscv/csr.c | 300 
   1 file changed, 289 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/riscv/csr.c b/target/riscv/csr.c
index 97cc8059ad37..31ea8b8ec20d 100644
--- a/target/riscv/csr.c
+++ b/target/riscv/csr.c
@@ -385,6 +385,21 @@ static RISCVException aia_smode32(CPURISCVState *env, int 
       return smode32(env, csrno);

+static RISCVException scountinhibit_pred(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno)
+    RISCVCPU *cpu = env_archcpu(env);
+    if (!cpu->cfg.ext_ssccfg || !cpu->cfg.ext_smcdeleg) {
+        return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST;
+    }
+    if (env->virt_enabled) {
+    }
+    return smode(env, csrno);
   static bool csrind_extensions_present(CPURISCVState *env)
       return riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_smcsrind || 
@@ -1222,10 +1237,9 @@ done:
       return result;

-static RISCVException write_mhpmcounter(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
-                                        target_ulong val)
+static RISCVException riscv_pmu_write_ctr(CPURISCVState *env, target_ulong val,
+                                          uint32_t ctr_idx)
-    int ctr_idx = csrno - CSR_MCYCLE;
       PMUCTRState *counter = &env->pmu_ctrs[ctr_idx];
       uint64_t mhpmctr_val = val;

@@ -1250,10 +1264,9 @@ static RISCVException write_mhpmcounter(CPURISCVState 
*env, int csrno,
       return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;

-static RISCVException write_mhpmcounterh(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
-                                         target_ulong val)
+static RISCVException riscv_pmu_write_ctrh(CPURISCVState *env, target_ulong 
+                                          uint32_t ctr_idx)
-    int ctr_idx = csrno - CSR_MCYCLEH;
       PMUCTRState *counter = &env->pmu_ctrs[ctr_idx];
       uint64_t mhpmctr_val = counter->mhpmcounter_val;
       uint64_t mhpmctrh_val = val;
@@ -1275,6 +1288,20 @@ static RISCVException write_mhpmcounterh(CPURISCVState 
*env, int csrno,
       return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;

+static int write_mhpmcounter(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno, target_ulong val)
+    int ctr_idx = csrno - CSR_MCYCLE;
+    return riscv_pmu_write_ctr(env, val, ctr_idx);
+static int write_mhpmcounterh(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno, target_ulong val)
+    int ctr_idx = csrno - CSR_MCYCLEH;
+    return riscv_pmu_write_ctrh(env, val, ctr_idx);
   RISCVException riscv_pmu_read_ctr(CPURISCVState *env, target_ulong *val,
                                            bool upper_half, uint32_t ctr_idx)
@@ -1340,6 +1367,167 @@ static RISCVException read_hpmcounterh(CPURISCVState 
*env, int csrno,
       return riscv_pmu_read_ctr(env, val, true, ctr_index);

+static int rmw_cd_mhpmcounter(CPURISCVState *env, int ctr_idx,
+                              target_ulong *val, target_ulong new_val,
+                              target_ulong wr_mask)
+    if (wr_mask != 0 && wr_mask != -1) {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (!wr_mask && val) {
+        riscv_pmu_read_ctr(env, val, false, ctr_idx);
+    } else if (wr_mask) {
+        riscv_pmu_write_ctr(env, new_val, ctr_idx);
+    } else {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int rmw_cd_mhpmcounterh(CPURISCVState *env, int ctr_idx,
+                               target_ulong *val, target_ulong new_val,
+                               target_ulong wr_mask)
+    if (wr_mask != 0 && wr_mask != -1) {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (!wr_mask && val) {
+        riscv_pmu_read_ctr(env, val, true, ctr_idx);
+    } else if (wr_mask) {
+        riscv_pmu_write_ctrh(env, new_val, ctr_idx);
+    } else {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int rmw_cd_mhpmevent(CPURISCVState *env, int evt_index,
+                            target_ulong *val, target_ulong new_val,
+                            target_ulong wr_mask)
+    uint64_t mhpmevt_val = new_val;
+    if (wr_mask != 0 && wr_mask != -1) {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (!wr_mask && val) {
+        *val = env->mhpmevent_val[evt_index];
+        if (riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_sscofpmf) {
+            *val &= ~MHPMEVENT_BIT_MINH;
+        }
+    } else if (wr_mask) {
+        wr_mask &= ~MHPMEVENT_BIT_MINH;
+        mhpmevt_val = (new_val & wr_mask) |
+                      (env->mhpmevent_val[evt_index] & ~wr_mask);
+        if (riscv_cpu_mxl(env) == MXL_RV32) {
+            mhpmevt_val = mhpmevt_val |
+                          ((uint64_t)env->mhpmeventh_val[evt_index] << 32);
+        }
+        env->mhpmevent_val[evt_index] = mhpmevt_val;
+        riscv_pmu_update_event_map(env, mhpmevt_val, evt_index);
+    } else {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int rmw_cd_mhpmeventh(CPURISCVState *env, int evt_index,
+                             target_ulong *val, target_ulong new_val,
+                             target_ulong wr_mask)
+    uint64_t mhpmevth_val;
+    uint64_t mhpmevt_val = env->mhpmevent_val[evt_index];
+    if (wr_mask != 0 && wr_mask != -1) {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (!wr_mask && val) {
+        *val = env->mhpmeventh_val[evt_index];
+        if (riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_sscofpmf) {
+            *val &= ~MHPMEVENTH_BIT_MINH;
+        }
+    } else if (wr_mask) {
+        wr_mask &= ~MHPMEVENTH_BIT_MINH;
+        env->mhpmeventh_val[evt_index] =
+            (new_val & wr_mask) | (env->mhpmeventh_val[evt_index] & ~wr_mask);
+        mhpmevth_val = env->mhpmeventh_val[evt_index];
+        mhpmevt_val = mhpmevt_val | (mhpmevth_val << 32);
+        riscv_pmu_update_event_map(env, mhpmevt_val, evt_index);
+    } else {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int rmw_cd_ctr_cfg(CPURISCVState *env, int cfg_index, target_ulong *val,
+                            target_ulong new_val, target_ulong wr_mask)
+    switch (cfg_index) {
+    case 0:             /* CYCLECFG */
+        if (wr_mask) {
+            wr_mask &= ~MCYCLECFG_BIT_MINH;
+            env->mcyclecfg = (new_val & wr_mask) | (env->mcyclecfg & ~wr_mask);
+        } else {
+            *val = env->mcyclecfg &= ~MHPMEVENTH_BIT_MINH;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 2:             /* INSTRETCFG */
+        if (wr_mask) {
+            wr_mask &= ~MINSTRETCFG_BIT_MINH;
+            env->minstretcfg = (new_val & wr_mask) |
+                               (env->minstretcfg & ~wr_mask);
+        } else {
+            *val = env->minstretcfg &= ~MHPMEVENTH_BIT_MINH;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int rmw_cd_ctr_cfgh(CPURISCVState *env, int cfg_index, target_ulong 
+                            target_ulong new_val, target_ulong wr_mask)
+    if (riscv_cpu_mxl(env) != MXL_RV32) {
+        return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST;
+    }
+    switch (cfg_index) {
+    case 0:         /* CYCLECFGH */
+        if (wr_mask) {
+            wr_mask &= ~MCYCLECFGH_BIT_MINH;
+            env->mcyclecfgh = (new_val & wr_mask) |
+                              (env->mcyclecfgh & ~wr_mask);
+        } else {
+            *val = env->mcyclecfgh;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 2:          /* INSTRETCFGH */
+        if (wr_mask) {
+            wr_mask &= ~MINSTRETCFGH_BIT_MINH;
+            env->minstretcfgh = (new_val & wr_mask) |
+                                (env->minstretcfgh & ~wr_mask);
+        } else {
+            *val = env->minstretcfgh;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return 0;
   static RISCVException read_scountovf(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
                                        target_ulong *val)
@@ -1349,6 +1537,14 @@ static RISCVException read_scountovf(CPURISCVState *env, 
int csrno,
       target_ulong *mhpm_evt_val;
       uint64_t of_bit_mask;

+    /* Virtualize scountovf for counter delegation */
+    if (riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_sscofpmf &&
+        riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_ssccfg &&
+        get_field(env->menvcfg, MENVCFG_CDE) &&
+        env->virt_enabled) {
+    }
       if (riscv_cpu_mxl(env) == MXL_RV32) {
           mhpm_evt_val = env->mhpmeventh_val;
           of_bit_mask = MHPMEVENTH_BIT_OF;
@@ -2292,11 +2488,70 @@ static int rmw_xireg_cd(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
                           target_ulong isel, target_ulong *val,
                           target_ulong new_val, target_ulong wr_mask)
-    if (!riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_smcdeleg) {
+    int ret = -EINVAL;

It seems like both 'ret' and the 'done' label are being used as shortcuts to do
'return ret', and every time 'ret' is assigned to something else can be replaced
by an early 'return' exit.

I would remove 'ret' and the 'done' label and:

+    int ctr_index = isel - ISELECT_CD_FIRST;
+    int isel_hpm_start = ISELECT_CD_FIRST + 3;
+    if (!riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_smcdeleg || !riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_ssccfg) {
           return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST;
-    /* TODO: Implement the functionality later */
-    return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
+    /* Invalid siselect value for reserved */
+    if (ctr_index == 1) {
+        goto done;

             return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    /* sireg4 and sireg5 provides access RV32 only CSRs */
+    if (((csrno == CSR_SIREG5) || (csrno == CSR_SIREG4)) &&
+        (riscv_cpu_mxl(env) != MXL_RV32)) {
+        return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST;
+    }
+    /* Check Sscofpmf dependancy */
+    if (!riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_sscofpmf && csrno == CSR_SIREG5 &&
+        (isel_hpm_start <= isel && isel <= ISELECT_CD_LAST)) {
+        goto done;

             return -EINVAL;

+    }
+    /* Check smcntrpmf dependancy */
+    if (!riscv_cpu_cfg(env)->ext_smcntrpmf &&
+        (csrno == CSR_SIREG2 || csrno == CSR_SIREG5) &&
+        (ISELECT_CD_FIRST <= isel && isel < isel_hpm_start)) {
+        goto done;

             return -EINVAL;

+    }
+    if (!get_field(env->mcounteren, BIT(ctr_index)) ||
+        !get_field(env->menvcfg, MENVCFG_CDE)) {
+        goto done;

             return -EINVAL;

+    }
+    switch (csrno) {
+    case CSR_SIREG:
+        ret = rmw_cd_mhpmcounter(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

             return  rmw_cd_mhpmcounter(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);
+        break;
+    case CSR_SIREG4:
+        ret = rmw_cd_mhpmcounterh(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

             return rmw_cd_mhpmcounterh(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);
+        break;
+    case CSR_SIREG2:
+        if (ctr_index <= 2) {
+            ret = rmw_cd_ctr_cfg(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

                 return rmw_cd_ctr_cfg(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);
+        } else {
+            ret = rmw_cd_mhpmevent(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

                 return rmw_cd_mhpmevent(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

+        }
+        break;
+    case CSR_SIREG5:
+        if (ctr_index <= 2) {
+            ret = rmw_cd_ctr_cfgh(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

                 return rmw_cd_ctr_cfgh(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

+        } else {
+            ret = rmw_cd_mhpmeventh(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, wr_mask);

                 return rmw_cd_mhpmeventh(env, ctr_index, val, new_val, 

+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        goto done;

             return -EINVAL;

+    }
+    return ret;

And remove this last 'return' since we're doing all possible returns already.

Personally, I prefer a single return in a switch case block. That's
why I have the jump label.
If you feel too strongly about that, I can change as per your suggestion though.

Yeah I forgot to mention in my reply that this was more a code style suggestion 
"please change it". Feel free to keep it as is.

If you want consistency with the label + return pattern throughout the function 
you could
remove the instances of  'return RISCV_EXCP_ILLEGAL_INST' and do

 goto done;

That way we don't have early 'return' exits in some places and 'goto done' in 

And again, optional code style comments. Thanks,





@@ -2578,6 +2833,21 @@ static RISCVException write_mcountinhibit(CPURISCVState 
*env, int csrno,
       return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;

+static RISCVException read_scountinhibit(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
+                                         target_ulong *val)
+    /* S-mode can only access the bits delegated by M-mode */
+    *val = env->mcountinhibit & env->mcounteren;
+    return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
+static RISCVException write_scountinhibit(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
+                                          target_ulong val)
+    write_mcountinhibit(env, csrno, val & env->mcounteren);
+    return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
   static RISCVException read_mcounteren(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
                                         target_ulong *val)
@@ -2680,11 +2950,13 @@ static RISCVException write_menvcfg(CPURISCVState *env, 
int csrno,
                                       target_ulong val)
       const RISCVCPUConfig *cfg = riscv_cpu_cfg(env);
+                    MENVCFG_CBZE | MENVCFG_CDE;

       if (riscv_cpu_mxl(env) == MXL_RV64) {
           mask |= (cfg->ext_svpbmt ? MENVCFG_PBMTE : 0) |
                   (cfg->ext_sstc ? MENVCFG_STCE : 0) |
+                (cfg->ext_smcdeleg ? MENVCFG_CDE : 0) |
                   (cfg->ext_svadu ? MENVCFG_ADUE : 0);

           if (env_archcpu(env)->cfg.ext_zicfilp) {
@@ -2713,7 +2985,8 @@ static RISCVException write_menvcfgh(CPURISCVState *env, 
int csrno,
       const RISCVCPUConfig *cfg = riscv_cpu_cfg(env);
       uint64_t mask = (cfg->ext_svpbmt ? MENVCFG_PBMTE : 0) |
                       (cfg->ext_sstc ? MENVCFG_STCE : 0) |
-                    (cfg->ext_svadu ? MENVCFG_ADUE : 0);
+                    (cfg->ext_svadu ? MENVCFG_ADUE : 0) |
+                    (cfg->ext_smcdeleg ? MENVCFG_CDE : 0);
       uint64_t valh = (uint64_t)val << 32;

       env->menvcfg = (env->menvcfg & ~mask) | (valh & mask);
@@ -5498,6 +5771,11 @@ riscv_csr_operations csr_ops[CSR_TABLE_SIZE] = {
                           .min_priv_ver = PRIV_VERSION_1_12_0 },

+    /* Supervisor Counter Delegation */
+    [CSR_SCOUNTINHIBIT] = {"scountinhibit", scountinhibit_pred,
+                            read_scountinhibit, write_scountinhibit,
+                           .min_priv_ver = PRIV_VERSION_1_12_0 },
       /* Supervisor Trap Setup */
       [CSR_SSTATUS]    = { "sstatus",    smode, read_sstatus,    write_sstatus,
                            NULL,                read_sstatus_i128              

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