December 2, 2024 at 8:26 PM, "Julian Ganz" wrote:
diff --git a/include/qemu/qemu-plugin.h b/include/qemu/qemu-plugin.h
index 0fba36ae02..9c67374b7e 100644
--- a/include/qemu/qemu-plugin.h
+++ b/include/qemu/qemu-plugin.h
@@ -154,6 +154,49 @@ typedef void
(*qemu_plugin_vcpu_simple_cb_t)(qemu_plugin_id_t id,
+ * typedef qemu_plugin_vcpu_discon_cb_t - vcpu discontinuity callback
+ * @vcpu_index: the current vcpu context
+ * @type: the type of discontinuity
+ * @from_pc: the source of the discontinuity, e.g. the PC before the
+ * transition
+ * @to_pc: the PC pointing to the next instruction to be executed
+ *
+ * The excact semantics of @from_pc depends on @the type of discontinuity. For
+ * interrupts, @from_pc will point to the next instruction which would have
+ * been executed. For exceptions and host calls, @from_pc will point to the
+ * instruction that caused the exception or issued the host call. Note that
+ * in the case of exceptions, the instruction is not retired and thus not
+ * observable via general instruction exec callbacks. The same may be the case
+ * for some host calls such as hypervisor call "exceptions".
Some more notes about this bit: I originally tried to make the from_pc
semantics independent from the type of event, i.e. either of the two
cases. I obviously did not succeed in doing so. As, in most cases, the
instruction pointed to by from_pc is not observable via exec callbacks
I could also not test this behaviour in the testing plugin (see patch
11). I am therefore in favor for dropping the from_pc for the next
iteration of this patch series.