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[PATCH 19/26] rust: rename qemu-api modules to follow C code a bit more

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [PATCH 19/26] rust: rename qemu-api modules to follow C code a bit more
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 13:37:10 +0100

A full match would mean calling them qom::object and hw::core::qdev.  For now,
keep the names shorter but still a bit easier to find.

Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
 rust/hw/char/pl011/src/device.rs              |  4 +-
 rust/qemu-api-macros/src/lib.rs               |  2 +-
 rust/qemu-api/meson.build                     |  5 +-
 rust/qemu-api/src/lib.rs                      |  5 +-
 rust/qemu-api/src/module.rs                   | 43 +++++++++++
 rust/qemu-api/src/prelude.rs                  |  2 +-
 .../qemu-api/src/{device_class.rs => qdev.rs} |  4 +-
 rust/qemu-api/src/{definitions.rs => qom.rs}  | 74 +++++++++----------
 rust/qemu-api/src/sysbus.rs                   |  2 +-
 rust/qemu-api/tests/tests.rs                  |  5 +-
 10 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 rust/qemu-api/src/module.rs
 rename rust/qemu-api/src/{device_class.rs => qdev.rs} (97%)
 rename rust/qemu-api/src/{definitions.rs => qom.rs} (83%)

diff --git a/rust/hw/char/pl011/src/device.rs b/rust/hw/char/pl011/src/device.rs
index d9e9f35f456..3fed8b4ad25 100644
--- a/rust/hw/char/pl011/src/device.rs
+++ b/rust/hw/char/pl011/src/device.rs
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 use qemu_api::{
     bindings::{self, *},
-    definitions::ObjectImpl,
-    device_class::DeviceImpl,
+    qdev::DeviceImpl,
+    qom::ObjectImpl,
 use crate::{
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api-macros/src/lib.rs b/rust/qemu-api-macros/src/lib.rs
index cf99ac04b8f..74a8bc7503e 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api-macros/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api-macros/src/lib.rs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pub fn derive_object(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
     let expanded = quote! {
         ::qemu_api::module_init! {
             MODULE_INIT_QOM => unsafe {
-                ::qemu_api::bindings::type_register_static(&<#name as 
+                ::qemu_api::bindings::type_register_static(&<#name as 
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/meson.build b/rust/qemu-api/meson.build
index adcee661150..7ff408ad68e 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/meson.build
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/meson.build
@@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ _qemu_api_rs = static_library(
-      'src/definitions.rs',
-      'src/device_class.rs',
+      'src/module.rs',
+      'src/qdev.rs',
+      'src/qom.rs',
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/lib.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/lib.rs
index 9e007e16354..124bece0449 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/lib.rs
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
 pub mod bitops;
 pub mod c_str;
 pub mod cell;
-pub mod definitions;
-pub mod device_class;
 pub mod irq;
+pub mod module;
 pub mod offset_of;
+pub mod qdev;
+pub mod qom;
 pub mod sysbus;
 pub mod vmstate;
 pub mod zeroable;
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/module.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/module.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fa5cea3598f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/module.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright 2024, Linaro Limited
+// Author(s): Manos Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@linaro.org>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+//! Macro to register blocks of code that run as QEMU starts up.
+macro_rules! module_init {
+    ($type:ident => $body:block) => {
+        const _: () = {
+            #[used]
+            #[cfg_attr(
+                not(any(target_vendor = "apple", target_os = "windows")),
+                link_section = ".init_array"
+            )]
+            #[cfg_attr(target_vendor = "apple", link_section = 
+            #[cfg_attr(target_os = "windows", link_section = ".CRT$XCU")]
+            pub static LOAD_MODULE: extern "C" fn() = {
+                extern "C" fn init_fn() {
+                    $body
+                }
+                extern "C" fn ctor_fn() {
+                    unsafe {
+                        $crate::bindings::register_module_init(
+                            Some(init_fn),
+                            $crate::bindings::module_init_type::$type,
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                ctor_fn
+            };
+        };
+    };
+    // shortcut because it's quite common that $body needs unsafe {}
+    ($type:ident => unsafe $body:block) => {
+        $crate::module_init! {
+            $type => { unsafe { $body } }
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/prelude.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/prelude.rs
index 1b8677b2d9a..5cc41f081f9 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/src/prelude.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/prelude.rs
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
 pub use crate::cell::BqlCell;
 pub use crate::cell::BqlRefCell;
-pub use crate::definitions::ObjectType;
+pub use crate::qom::ObjectType;
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/device_class.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/qdev.rs
similarity index 97%
rename from rust/qemu-api/src/device_class.rs
rename to rust/qemu-api/src/qdev.rs
index 285dfe582c7..1228dabaaaf 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/src/device_class.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/qdev.rs
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
 // Author(s): Manos Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@linaro.org>
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+//! Bindings to create devices and access device functionality from Rust.
 use std::ffi::CStr;
 use crate::{
     bindings::{self, DeviceClass, DeviceState, Error, ObjectClass, Property, 
-    definitions::ClassInitImpl,
+    qom::ClassInitImpl,
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/definitions.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/qom.rs
similarity index 83%
rename from rust/qemu-api/src/definitions.rs
rename to rust/qemu-api/src/qom.rs
index 958ea34decc..9b316e07efa 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/src/definitions.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/qom.rs
@@ -2,7 +2,37 @@
 // Author(s): Manos Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@linaro.org>
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-//! Definitions required by QEMU when registering a device.
+//! Bindings to access QOM functionality from Rust.
+//! This module provides automatic creation and registration of `TypeInfo`
+//! for classes that are written in Rust, and mapping between Rust traits
+//! and QOM vtables.
+//! # Structure of a class
+//! A concrete class only needs a struct holding instance state. The struct 
+//! implement the [`ObjectType`] and [`IsA`] traits, as well as any `*Impl`
+//! traits provided by its superclasses.
+//! An abstract class will also provide a struct for instance data, with the
+//! same characteristics as for concrete classes, but it also needs additional
+//! components to support virtual methods:
+//! * a struct for instance data, with the same characteristics as for concrete
+//!   classes.
+//! * a struct for class data, for example `DeviceClass`. This corresponds to
+//!   the C "class struct" and holds the vtable that is used by instances of 
+//!   class and its subclasses. It must start with its parent's class struct.
+//! * a trait for virtual method implementations, for example `DeviceImpl`.
+//!   Child classes implement this trait to provide their own behavior for
+//!   virtual methods. The trait's methods take `&self` to access instance 
+//! * an implementation of [`ClassInitImpl`], for example
+//!   `ClassInitImpl<DeviceClass>`. This fills the vtable in the class struct,
+//!   typically with wrappers that call into the
+//!   [`DeviceImpl`](crate::qdev::DeviceImpl) implementations.
 use std::{ffi::CStr, os::raw::c_void};
@@ -136,7 +166,7 @@ pub trait ObjectImpl: ObjectType + 
ClassInitImpl<Self::Class> {
 /// Fortunately, this is almost never necessary.  Instead, the Rust
 /// implementation of methods will usually come from a trait like
-/// [`ObjectImpl`] or [`DeviceImpl`](crate::device_class::DeviceImpl).
+/// [`ObjectImpl`] or [`DeviceImpl`](crate::qdev::DeviceImpl).
 /// `ClassInitImpl` then can be provided by blanket implementations
 /// that operate on all implementors of the `*Impl`* trait.  For example:
@@ -162,7 +192,7 @@ pub trait ClassInitImpl<T> {
     /// can change them to override virtual methods of a parent class.
     /// The virtual method implementations usually come from another
-    /// trait, for example [`DeviceImpl`](crate::device_class::DeviceImpl)
+    /// trait, for example [`DeviceImpl`](crate::qdev::DeviceImpl)
     /// when `T` is [`DeviceClass`](crate::bindings::DeviceClass).
     /// On entry, `klass`'s parent class is initialized, while the other fields
@@ -174,44 +204,6 @@ pub trait ClassInitImpl<T> {
     fn class_init(klass: &mut T);
-macro_rules! module_init {
-    ($type:ident => $body:block) => {
-        const _: () = {
-            #[used]
-            #[cfg_attr(
-                not(any(target_vendor = "apple", target_os = "windows")),
-                link_section = ".init_array"
-            )]
-            #[cfg_attr(target_vendor = "apple", link_section = 
-            #[cfg_attr(target_os = "windows", link_section = ".CRT$XCU")]
-            pub static LOAD_MODULE: extern "C" fn() = {
-                extern "C" fn init_fn() {
-                    $body
-                }
-                extern "C" fn ctor_fn() {
-                    unsafe {
-                        $crate::bindings::register_module_init(
-                            Some(init_fn),
-                            $crate::bindings::module_init_type::$type,
-                        );
-                    }
-                }
-                ctor_fn
-            };
-        };
-    };
-    // shortcut because it's quite common that $body needs unsafe {}
-    ($type:ident => unsafe $body:block) => {
-        $crate::module_init! {
-            $type => { unsafe { $body } }
-        }
-    };
 /// # Safety
 /// We expect the FFI user of this function to pass a valid pointer that
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/sysbus.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/sysbus.rs
index 5d15b317405..fa69cadd7c1 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/src/sysbus.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/sysbus.rs
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 use crate::{
     bindings::{self, DeviceClass},
-    definitions::ClassInitImpl,
+    qom::ClassInitImpl,
 unsafe impl ObjectType for SysBusDevice {
diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/tests/tests.rs b/rust/qemu-api/tests/tests.rs
index 4ce1bd19247..fc57eb81290 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/tests/tests.rs
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/tests/tests.rs
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
 use qemu_api::{
     c_str, declare_properties, define_property,
-    definitions::ObjectImpl,
-    device_class::DeviceImpl,
-    impl_device_class,
+    qdev::DeviceImpl,
+    qom::ObjectImpl,

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