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Re: [PATCH 11/17] target/hexagon: Use float32_muladd for helper_sffm[as]

From: Brian Cain
Subject: Re: [PATCH 11/17] target/hexagon: Use float32_muladd for helper_sffm[as]_lib
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 09:29:17 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 12/8/2024 4:48 PM, Richard Henderson wrote:
There are multiple special cases for this instruction.
(1) The saturate to normal maximum instead of overflow to infinity is
     handled by the new float_round_nearest_even_max rounding mode.
(2) The 0 * n + c special case is handled by the new
     float_muladd_suppress_add_product_zero flag.
(3) The Inf - Inf -> 0 special case can be detected after the fact
     by examining float_flag_invalid_isi.

Signed-off-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
  target/hexagon/op_helper.c | 105 +++++++++----------------------------
  1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/hexagon/op_helper.c b/target/hexagon/op_helper.c
index eb010422bf..26e329f7b9 100644
--- a/target/hexagon/op_helper.c
+++ b/target/hexagon/op_helper.c
@@ -1171,24 +1171,6 @@ float32 HELPER(sffma)(CPUHexagonState *env, float32 RxV,
      return RxV;
-static bool is_zero_prod(float32 a, float32 b)
-    return ((float32_is_zero(a) && is_finite(b)) ||
-            (float32_is_zero(b) && is_finite(a)));
-static float32 check_nan(float32 dst, float32 x, float_status *fp_status)
-    float32 ret = dst;
-    if (float32_is_any_nan(x)) {
-        if (extract32(x, 22, 1) == 0) {
-            float_raise(float_flag_invalid, fp_status);
-        }
-        ret = make_float32(0xffffffff);    /* nan */
-    }
-    return ret;
  float32 HELPER(sffma_sc)(CPUHexagonState *env, float32 RxV,
                           float32 RsV, float32 RtV, float32 PuV)
@@ -1210,78 +1192,43 @@ float32 HELPER(sffms)(CPUHexagonState *env, float32 RxV,
      return RxV;
-static bool is_inf_prod(int32_t a, int32_t b)
+static float32 do_sffma_lib(CPUHexagonState *env, float32 RxV,
+                            float32 RsV, float32 RtV, int negate)
-    return (float32_is_infinity(a) && float32_is_infinity(b)) ||
-           (float32_is_infinity(a) && is_finite(b) && !float32_is_zero(b)) ||
-           (float32_is_infinity(b) && is_finite(a) && !float32_is_zero(a));
+    int flags;
+    arch_fpop_start(env);
+    set_float_rounding_mode(float_round_nearest_even_max, &env->fp_status);
+    RxV = float32_muladd(RsV, RtV, RxV,
+                         negate | float_muladd_suppress_add_product_zero,
+                         &env->fp_status);
+    flags = get_float_exception_flags(&env->fp_status);
+    if (flags) {
+        /* Flags are suppressed by this instruction. */
+        set_float_exception_flags(0, &env->fp_status);
+        /* Return 0 for Inf - Inf. */
+        if (flags & float_flag_invalid_isi) {
+            RxV = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    arch_fpop_end(env);
+    return RxV;
float32 HELPER(sffma_lib)(CPUHexagonState *env, float32 RxV,
                            float32 RsV, float32 RtV)
-    bool infinp;
-    bool infminusinf;
-    float32 tmp;
-    arch_fpop_start(env);
-    set_float_rounding_mode(float_round_nearest_even, &env->fp_status);
-    infminusinf = float32_is_infinity(RxV) &&
-                  is_inf_prod(RsV, RtV) &&
-                  (fGETBIT(31, RsV ^ RxV ^ RtV) != 0);
-    infinp = float32_is_infinity(RxV) ||
-             float32_is_infinity(RtV) ||
-             float32_is_infinity(RsV);
-    RxV = check_nan(RxV, RxV, &env->fp_status);
-    RxV = check_nan(RxV, RsV, &env->fp_status);
-    RxV = check_nan(RxV, RtV, &env->fp_status);
-    tmp = internal_fmafx(RsV, RtV, RxV, 0, &env->fp_status);
-    if (!(float32_is_zero(RxV) && is_zero_prod(RsV, RtV))) {
-        RxV = tmp;
-    }
-    set_float_exception_flags(0, &env->fp_status);
-    if (float32_is_infinity(RxV) && !infinp) {
-        RxV = RxV - 1;
-    }
-    if (infminusinf) {
-        RxV = 0;
-    }
-    arch_fpop_end(env);
-    return RxV;
+    return do_sffma_lib(env, RxV, RsV, RtV, 0);
float32 HELPER(sffms_lib)(CPUHexagonState *env, float32 RxV,
                            float32 RsV, float32 RtV)
-    bool infinp;
-    bool infminusinf;
-    float32 tmp;
-    arch_fpop_start(env);
-    set_float_rounding_mode(float_round_nearest_even, &env->fp_status);
-    infminusinf = float32_is_infinity(RxV) &&
-                  is_inf_prod(RsV, RtV) &&
-                  (fGETBIT(31, RsV ^ RxV ^ RtV) == 0);
-    infinp = float32_is_infinity(RxV) ||
-             float32_is_infinity(RtV) ||
-             float32_is_infinity(RsV);
-    RxV = check_nan(RxV, RxV, &env->fp_status);
-    RxV = check_nan(RxV, RsV, &env->fp_status);
-    RxV = check_nan(RxV, RtV, &env->fp_status);
-    float32 minus_RsV = float32_sub(float32_zero, RsV, &env->fp_status);
-    tmp = internal_fmafx(minus_RsV, RtV, RxV, 0, &env->fp_status);
-    if (!(float32_is_zero(RxV) && is_zero_prod(RsV, RtV))) {
-        RxV = tmp;
-    }
-    set_float_exception_flags(0, &env->fp_status);
-    if (float32_is_infinity(RxV) && !infinp) {
-        RxV = RxV - 1;
-    }
-    if (infminusinf) {
-        RxV = 0;
-    }
-    arch_fpop_end(env);
-    return RxV;
+    return do_sffma_lib(env, RxV, RsV, RtV, float_muladd_negate_product);
Reviewed-by: Brian Cain <brian.cain@oss.qualcomm.com>
  float64 HELPER(dfmpyfix)(CPUHexagonState *env, float64 RssV, float64 RttV)

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