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[RFC PATCH v2 32/35] WIP: 3.x - XREF

From: John Snow
Subject: [RFC PATCH v2 32/35] WIP: 3.x - XREF
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 20:13:01 -0500

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
 docs/sphinx/compat.py      | 114 +++++++++++++++++++-
 docs/sphinx/qapi-domain.py | 207 ++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/sphinx/compat.py b/docs/sphinx/compat.py
index 28cb39161fe..657c05a81a4 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/compat.py
+++ b/docs/sphinx/compat.py
@@ -2,14 +2,32 @@
 Sphinx cross-version compatibility goop
-from typing import Callable
+import re
+from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Callable,
+    Optional,
+    Type,
+from docutils import nodes
 from docutils.nodes import Element, Node, Text
 import sphinx
 from sphinx import addnodes
-from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective, switch_source_input
+from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
+from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
+from sphinx.util import docfields
+from sphinx.util.docutils import (
+    ReferenceRole,
+    SphinxDirective,
+    switch_source_input,
 from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
+from sphinx.util.typing import TextlikeNode
+MAKE_XREF_WORKAROUND = sphinx.version_info[:3] < (4, 1, 0)
 space_node: Callable[[str], Node]
@@ -46,3 +64,95 @@ def nested_parse(directive: SphinxDirective, content_node: 
Element) -> None:
                 directive.state, directive.content, content_node
+class CompatFieldMixin:
+    """
+    Compatibility workaround for Sphinx versions prior to 4.1.0.
+    Older sphinx versions do not use the domain's XRefRole for parsing
+    and formatting cross-references, so we need to perform this magick
+    ourselves to avoid needing to write the parser/formatter in two
+    separate places.
+    This workaround isn't brick-for-brick compatible with modern Sphinx
+    versions, because we do not have access to the parent directive's
+    state during this parsing like we do in more modern versions.
+    It's no worse than what pre-Sphinx 4.1.0 does, so... oh well!
+    """
+    def make_xref(
+        self,
+        rolename: str,
+        domain: str,
+        target: str,
+        innernode: Type[TextlikeNode] = addnodes.literal_emphasis,
+        contnode: Optional[Node] = None,
+        env: Optional[BuildEnvironment] = None,
+        *args: Any,
+        **kwargs: Any,
+    ) -> Node:
+        print("Using compat make_xref")
+        assert env
+        if not rolename:
+            return contnode or innernode(target, target)
+        # Get the role instance, but don't *execute it* - we lack the
+        # correct state to do so. Instead, we'll just use its public
+        # methods to do our reference formatting, and emulate the rest.
+        role = env.get_domain(domain).roles[rolename]
+        assert isinstance(role, XRefRole)
+        # XRefRole features not supported by this compatibility shim;
+        # these were not supported in Sphinx 3.x either, so nothing of
+        # value is really lost.
+        assert not target.startswith("!")
+        assert not re.match(ReferenceRole.explicit_title_re, target)
+        assert not role.lowercase
+        assert not role.fix_parens
+        # Code below based mostly on sphinx.roles.XRefRole; run() and
+        # create_xref_node()
+        options = {
+            "refdoc": env.docname,
+            "refdomain": domain,
+            "reftype": rolename,
+            "refexplicit": False,
+            "refwarn": role.warn_dangling,
+        }
+        refnode = role.nodeclass(target, **options)
+        title, target = role.process_link(env, refnode, False, target, target)
+        refnode["reftarget"] = target
+        classes = ["xref", domain, f"{domain}-{rolename}"]
+        refnode += role.innernodeclass(target, title, classes=classes)
+        result_nodes, messages = role.result_nodes(
+            None,  # FIXME - normally self.inliner.document ...
+            env,
+            refnode,
+            is_ref=True,
+        )
+        return nodes.inline(target, "", *result_nodes)
+class CompatField(CompatFieldMixin, docfields.Field):
+    pass
+class CompatGroupedField(CompatFieldMixin, docfields.GroupedField):
+    pass
+class CompatTypedField(CompatFieldMixin, docfields.TypedField):
+    pass
+    Field = docfields.Field
+    GroupedField = docfields.GroupedField
+    TypedField = docfields.TypedField
+    Field = CompatField
+    GroupedField = CompatGroupedField
+    TypedField = CompatTypedField
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/qapi-domain.py b/docs/sphinx/qapi-domain.py
index ee9b1d056ff..ebdf9074391 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/qapi-domain.py
+++ b/docs/sphinx/qapi-domain.py
@@ -24,7 +24,14 @@
 from docutils.statemachine import StringList
 from collapse import CollapseNode
-from compat import keyword_node, nested_parse, space_node
+from compat import (
+    Field,
+    GroupedField,
+    TypedField,
+    keyword_node,
+    nested_parse,
+    space_node,
 import sphinx
 from sphinx import addnodes
 from sphinx.addnodes import desc_signature, pending_xref
@@ -38,24 +45,18 @@
 from sphinx.locale import _, __
 from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
 from sphinx.util import logging
-from sphinx.util.docfields import (
-    DocFieldTransformer,
-    Field,
-    GroupedField,
-    TypedField,
+from sphinx.util.docfields import DocFieldTransformer
 from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
 from sphinx.util.nodes import make_id, make_refnode
     from docutils.nodes import Element, Node
-    from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner
     from sphinx.application import Sphinx
     from sphinx.builders import Builder
     from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
-    from sphinx.util.typing import OptionSpec, TextlikeNode
+    from sphinx.util.typing import OptionSpec
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -82,111 +83,8 @@ class ObjectEntry(NamedTuple):
     aliased: bool
-class QAPIXrefMixin:
-    def make_xref(
-        self,
-        rolename: str,
-        domain: str,
-        target: str,
-        innernode: type[TextlikeNode] = nodes.literal,
-        contnode: Optional[Node] = None,
-        env: Optional[BuildEnvironment] = None,
-        inliner: Optional[Inliner] = None,
-        location: Optional[Node] = None,
-    ) -> Node:
-        # make_xref apparently has a mode of operation where the inliner
-        # class argument is passed to the role object
-        # (e.g. QAPIXRefRole) to construct the final result; passing
-        # inliner = location = None forces it into its legacy mode where
-        # it returns a pending_xref node instead.
-        # (This is how the built-in Python domain behaves.)
-        result = super().make_xref(  # type: ignore[misc]
-            rolename,
-            domain,
-            target,
-            innernode=innernode,
-            contnode=contnode,
-            env=env,
-            inliner=None,
-            location=None,
-        )
-        if isinstance(result, pending_xref):
-            assert env is not None
-            # Add domain-specific context information to the pending reference.
-            result["refspecific"] = True
-            result["qapi:module"] = env.ref_context.get("qapi:module")
-        assert isinstance(result, nodes.Node)
-        return result
-    def make_xrefs(
-        self,
-        rolename: str,
-        domain: str,
-        target: str,
-        innernode: type[TextlikeNode] = nodes.literal,
-        contnode: Optional[Node] = None,
-        env: Optional[BuildEnvironment] = None,
-        inliner: Optional[Inliner] = None,
-        location: Optional[Node] = None,
-    ) -> list[Node]:
-        # Note: this function is called on up to three fields of text:
-        # (1) The field name argument (e.g. member/arg name)
-        # (2) The field name type (e.g. member/arg type)
-        # (3) The field *body* text, for Fields that do not take arguments.
-        list_type = False
-        optional = False
-        # If the rolename is qapi:type, we know we are processing a type
-        # and not an arg/memb name or field body text.
-        if rolename == "type":
-            # force the innernode class to be a literal.
-            innernode = nodes.literal
-            # Type names that end with "?" are considered Optional
-            # arguments and should be documented as such, but it's not
-            # part of the xref itself.
-            if target.endswith("?"):
-                optional = True
-                target = target[:-1]
-            # Type names wrapped in brackets denote lists. strip the
-            # brackets and remember to add them back later.
-            if target.startswith("[") and target.endswith("]"):
-                list_type = True
-                target = target[1:-1]
-            # When processing Fields with bodyrolename="type", contnode
-            # will be present, which indicates that the body has already
-            # been parsed into nodes.  We don't want that, actually:
-            # we'll re-create our own nodes for it.
-            contnode = None
-        results = []
-        result = self.make_xref(
-            rolename,
-            domain,
-            target,
-            innernode,
-            contnode,
-            env,
-            inliner,
-            location,
-        )
-        results.append(result)
-        if list_type:
-            results.insert(0, nodes.literal("[", "["))
-            results.append(nodes.literal("]", "]"))
-        if optional:
-            results.append(nodes.Text(", "))
-            results.append(nodes.emphasis("?", "optional"))
-        return results
 class QAPIXRefRole(XRefRole):
     def process_link(
         env: BuildEnvironment,
@@ -196,34 +94,63 @@ def process_link(
         target: str,
     ) -> tuple[str, str]:
         refnode["qapi:module"] = env.ref_context.get("qapi:module")
-        if not has_explicit_title:
-            title = title.lstrip(".")  # only has a meaning for the target
-            target = target.lstrip("~")  # only has a meaning for the title
-            # if the first character is a tilde, don't display the module
-            # parts of the contents
-            if title[0:1] == "~":
-                title = title[1:]
-                dot = title.rfind(".")
-                if dot != -1:
-                    title = title[dot + 1 :]
-        # if the first character is a dot, search more specific namespaces 
-        # else search builtins first
-        if target[0:1] == ".":
+        # Cross-references that begin with a tilde adjust the title to
+        # only show the reference without a leading module, even if one
+        # was provided. This is a Sphinx-standard syntax; give it
+        # priority over QAPI-specific type markup below.
+        hide_module = False
+        if target.startswith("~"):
+            hide_module = True
             target = target[1:]
-            refnode["refspecific"] = True
+        # Type names that end with "?" are considered optional
+        # arguments and should be documented as such, but it's not
+        # part of the xref itself.
+        if target.endswith("?"):
+            refnode["qapi:optional"] = True
+            target = target[:-1]
+        # Type names wrapped in brackets denote lists. strip the
+        # brackets and remember to add them back later.
+        if target.startswith("[") and target.endswith("]"):
+            refnode["qapi:array"] = True
+            target = target[1:-1]
+        if has_explicit_title:
+            # Don't mess with the title at all if it was explicitly set.
+            # Explicit title syntax for references is e.g.
+            # :qapi:type:`target <explicit title>`
+            # and this explicit title overrides everything else here.
+            return title, target
+        title = target
+        if hide_module:
+            title = target.split(".")[-1]
         return title, target
+    def result_nodes(
+        self,
+        document: nodes.document,
+        env: BuildEnvironment,
+        node: Element,
+        is_ref: bool,
+    ) -> Tuple[List[nodes.Node], List[nodes.system_message]]:
-class QAPIGroupedField(QAPIXrefMixin, GroupedField):
-    pass
+        # node here is the pending_xref node (or whatever nodeclass was
+        # configured at XRefRole class instantiation time).
+        results: List[nodes.Node] = [node]
+        if node.get("qapi:array"):
+            results.insert(0, nodes.literal("[", "["))
+            results.append(nodes.literal("]", "]"))
-class QAPITypedField(QAPIXrefMixin, TypedField):
-    pass
+        if node.get("qapi:optional"):
+            results.append(nodes.Text(", "))
+            results.append(nodes.emphasis("?", "optional"))
-class QAPIField(QAPIXrefMixin, Field):
-    pass
+        return results, []
 def since_validator(param: str) -> str:
@@ -633,7 +560,7 @@ class QAPICommand(QAPIObject):
             # :arg TypeName ArgName: descr
-            QAPITypedField(
+            TypedField(
@@ -648,7 +575,7 @@ class QAPICommand(QAPIObject):
             # :returns TypeName: descr
-            QAPIGroupedField(
+            GroupedField(
@@ -656,7 +583,7 @@ class QAPICommand(QAPIObject):
             # :returns-nodesc: TypeName
-            QAPIField(
+            Field(
@@ -691,7 +618,7 @@ class QAPIAlternate(QAPIObject):
             # :choice type name: descr
-            QAPITypedField(
+            TypedField(
@@ -709,7 +636,7 @@ class QAPIObjectWithMembers(QAPIObject):
             # :member type name: descr
-            QAPITypedField(
+            TypedField(
@@ -842,7 +769,7 @@ class Branch(SphinxDirective):
     doc_field_types: List[Field] = [
         # :arg type name: descr
         # :memb type name: descr
-        QAPITypedField(
+        TypedField(
             names=("arg", "memb"),

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