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[RFC PATCH 1/6] include/hw/pci: Add a callback to set the downstream mem

From: Jason Chien
Subject: [RFC PATCH 1/6] include/hw/pci: Add a callback to set the downstream memory region of a pci bus
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 08:48:52 +0800

PCIIOMMUOps.set_memory_region() is introduced to set the downstream memory
region of a pci bus. When PCIIOMMUOps.get_address_space() is already
registered by the pci host(e.g. TYPE_DESIGNWARE_PCIE_HOST),
PCIIOMMUOps.set_memory_region() should be registered as well, so an IOMMU
can designate the downstream memory region for the pci bus.

Signed-off-by: Jason Chien <jason.chien@sifive.com>
 include/hw/pci/pci.h | 13 +++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/hw/pci/pci.h b/include/hw/pci/pci.h
index c0717e3121..cb3039bce8 100644
--- a/include/hw/pci/pci.h
+++ b/include/hw/pci/pci.h
@@ -388,6 +388,19 @@ typedef struct PCIIOMMUOps {
      * @devfn: device and function number
     AddressSpace * (*get_address_space)(PCIBus *bus, void *opaque, int devfn);
+    /**
+     * @set_memory_region: set the downstream memory region for a set of
+     * devices on a PCI bus.
+     *
+     * Optional callback, which should be implemented when get_address_space()
+     * is registered by the PCI host(e.g. TYPE_DESIGNWARE_PCIE_HOST), which
+     * makes an IOMMU not able to register get_address_space() again.
+     *
+     * @opaque: the data passed to pci_setup_iommu().
+     *
+     * @mr: the downsteam memory region
+     */
+    void (*set_memory_region)(void *opaque, MemoryRegion *mr);
      * @set_iommu_device: attach a HostIOMMUDevice to a vIOMMU

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