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Re: [Qemu-discuss] How to use qemu for non-interactive testing

From: Jakob Bohm
Subject: Re: [Qemu-discuss] How to use qemu for non-interactive testing
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 18:28:04 +0100
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I know that libvirt (which is huge) uses those. I am not up to date on what the specific monitor and qmp commands are or where to find out.

So basically, I don't know either.

Hard killing the qemu process you launched yourself should be pretty trivial using whatever tool/language you used to launch it.

On 21/12/2015 15:53, Wink Saville wrote:
Can you give me some pointers to implementations that use these
techniques. Txs.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015, 4:02 AM Jakob Bohm <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    There is a monitor and/or qmp command to simulate a "soft"
    press on the power button, which would trigger any OS
    provided clean shut down logic via ACPI/APM.

    There is a different monitor and/or qmp command to simulate
    a hard power off while still keeping the virtualization
    aspect of e.g. qcow2 files consistent.

    Finally, there is the option to simply kill the qemu

    On 19/12/2015 00:39, Wink Saville wrote:
     > Peter,
     > I ended up using the first technique for VersatilePB and works
    just fine.
     > Now I want to be able "power off" a qemu-system-i386 and I was
     > wondering what you might suggest? I'm hoping there might be something
     > "easy".
     > -- Wink
     > On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:49 PM Wink Saville <address@hidden
     > <mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>> wrote:
     >     THANKS, I'll give those things a try!
     >     On Mon, Oct 19, 2015, 1:46 PM Peter Maydell
     >     <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>
    <mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>>
     >         On 19 October 2015 at 20:30, Wink Saville
    <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>
     >         <mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>> wrote:
     >         > I would like to use qemu in a test environment where I give
     >         a "kernel" image
     >         > to qmeu have it execute it and then when complete have qemu
     >         exit. Currently
     >         > when
     >         > executing:
     >         >
     >         >   $ qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128M -nographic
     >         -kernel test.bin
     >         >   ...
     >         >   Hi
     >         >   $
     >         >
     >         > After test.bin prints "Hi" via the "Uart in VersatilePB" I
     >         have to
     >         > interactively press ctrl-a then press 'x' to have it return
     >         to the command
     >         > prompt. Is there a way for test.bin to cause qemu to exit
     >         without having to
     >         > type commands in the terminal.
     >         That depends on the machine you're using (in this case
     >         versatilepb).
     >         Basically if the guest binary tells the emulated hardware
     >         power down" via whatever that hardware's mechanism is,
    then QEMU
     >         will exit. For versatilepb there isn't any way to do
    that, but you
     >         can use QEMU's "-no-reboot" option (which turns resets
    into power
     >         downs) and then tell the emulated hardware to do a reset.
    For info
     >         on how to do a reset on the versatilepb board see the h/w
     >         You need to write to SYS_LOCKCTL to unlock the register
    and then
     >         to SYS_RESETCTL to actually request the reset.
     >         Other options you can use:
     >          * an ARM-specific option is to use the -semihosting
    command line
     >         option, and then you can use the semihosting ABI to exit.
     >         You need to do an angel_SWIreason_ReportException:
     >         (which is to say, set r0 to 0x18, r1 to 0x20026 and do a
     >         swi 0x123456 in ARM mode or swi 0xab (Thumb mode) or
     >         bkpt 0xab (M profile).
     >         Semihosting also lets you conveniently output to the
     >         read files or look at the command line, so it's handy for
     >         writing test cases.
     >          * use the 'expect' utility to script up the "make QEMU exit
     >         when it's printed the result" handling. It's generally nicer
     >         to avoid this, but as a last resort it's nice to have: a
     >         handful of lines of expect scripting are sufficient to do
     >         basic "start this program, then exit when some string appears
     >         in its output" control.
     >         PS: you might prefer '-display none' over '-nographic';
     >         that gives you the serial output to standard output, but
     >         doesn't do the 'monitor on alternate screen, ctrl-a
     >         behaviour. You can just ctrl-c to exit qemu then.
     >         Basically -nographic is a magic combination of a bunch
     >         of options and sometimes you only want one of them.
     >         thanks
     >         -- PMM

Enjoy and Merry Christmas

Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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