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Re: [Qemu-ppc] macio ide question/bug report

From: Programmingkid
Subject: Re: [Qemu-ppc] macio ide question/bug report
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 10:46:34 -0400

On May 8, 2014, at 5:49 AM, BALATON Zoltan wrote:

> On Wed, 7 May 2014, Programmingkid wrote:
>> I just tried out darwin 8.0.1 in QEMU v2.0.0. It boots to the installer 
>> screen in about a minute. The image from the url you gave me would be the 
>> file darwinppc-801.cdr.gz. Let me know if you need anything else.
> Was it with qemu-system-ppc with -machine mac99 or what options did you use? 
> It does not boot for me so maybe I need to check the changes I have. 
> (Although I did not wait a minute but canceled it when it seemed to hang.)
> Regards,
> BALATON Zoltan

It was with qemu-system-ppc. Where does it hang at for you? 

This is the command options I used:  ./qemu-system-ppc -cdrom 
<path>/darwinppc.iso -boot d

I don't use the -M mac99 option. When I did, it hung at this line: "using 327 
buffer headers and 327 cluster IO buffer headers". 

Did you see "AppleMacRiscPCI: bad range 2(80000000:01000000)"? I think this 
problem should be corrected. 

Did you see this at the bottom of the window: "The following devices are 
available for installation:"? If you did, then it is just waiting for you to 
enter a number. If you see nothing below that text, it means you didn't include 
a hard drive image. Including a hard drive image with QEMU via the -hdd option 
will allow you to install Darwin. 

It only took 30 seconds for the booting to finish for me. 

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