I'm new enough to qemu that there may be an obvious answer, but I don't know what it would be. I'm trying to use the ppce500 machine and the e500v2 processor. I want to be able to allocate enough memory so that I can use the default PowerPC Linux kernel location of 0xc0000000. I would think the following would do this:
qemu-system-ppc -cpu e500v2 -machine ppce500 -s -S -no-reboot -no-shutdown -nogr
aphic -dtb xes-linux/XPedite5550/FactoryImages/dtb-XPedite5550-1457-5.4.47-xes_r
2 -m 4096 -kernel buildroot/output/build/linux-custom/vmlinux
Instead, I only get 0x10000000 bytes of memory. Can QEMU do what I want to do and, if so, how is it done?