On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 01:28:21PM +0100, BALATON Zoltan via wrote:
On Thu, 31 Dec 2020, BALATON Zoltan via wrote:
I've also noticed that my patches don't show up in patchwork and my From
address gets modified by the list that don't seem to be the case for
other messages so I wonder if it may be something with my email.
This seems to have started in August. A message from 8th did not show this
but one from 22nd already did. I don't know if there was a change on the
list server or something locally on my side.
I've sent this to the list too so you have a chance to see it, please reply
off list.
Bother. The DNS provider I have for my domain seems to have become
intermittently flaky - I think there was an outage for a while in
August, then apparently another in December.
So far the problems have been fixed within a couple of days, but I am
pretty concerned. I'm continuing to monitor.