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RE: QEMU SIG Meeting

From: Alistair Francis
Subject: RE: QEMU SIG Meeting
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 02:31:48 +0000

Ok! The calendar events are created (took a few goes) and you should be able to see them.


Also I have lost any RISC-V list messages sent over the last month, so Guerney if you want to resend your email I can try and help.




From: Alistair Francis
Sent: Friday, 28 April 2023 12:17 PM
To: qemu-riscv@nongnu.org
Cc: alistair@alistair23.me
Subject: QEMU SIG Meeting




Sorry about the delay! We have had some technical issues over here and I haven't had access to emails. I am trying to switch over to my personal email to simplify things in the future.


So a few updates from last time.


First, Zhiwei and I are switching chair and vice-chair positions. I'm no longer a RISC-V foundation member so I can't remain as chair.


Secondly let's actually schedule that meeting! From the poll the two best times are:


Tuesday 4PM AEST -> Tuesday 6AM UTC
Thursday 10AM AEST -> Thursday 12AM UTC


So let's alternate between those two. We can start with fortnightly (so people should be able to attend a meeting a month) and go from there.




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