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Re: [RP] in preparation for an 0.1.0 release

From: Martin Samuelsson
Subject: Re: [RP] in preparation for an 0.1.0 release
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 09:23:45 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001 at 04:35:15PM -0800, Ryan Yeske wrote:
> I'm afraid I don't understand what an 'outlandish' keyboard is.

i think i would use the term foreign keyboards. non-us ones.

> If I understand you correctly, you want a certain keypress to generate
> a certain keysym.  If this is true, it has nothing to do with
> ratpoison commands and I think it involves your keyboard and your X
> server.

actually, ratpoison makes something strange with it's keyboard handling wich 
makes characters involving dead keys or alt-gr impossible to write. for example 
~, ñ, $ and ^ are impossible to write inside ratpoison.

i don't have a clue on why, but i do understand that there is a small problem 
with ratpoison.

i'm including three affected lines from the standard swedish keymap.

keycode  13 = 4 currency dollar dollar
keycode  21 = dead_acute dead_grave dead_cedilla dead_ogonek
keycode  35 = dead_diaeresis dead_circumflex dead_tilde dead_macron

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