That explains why the meta command ``didn't work'' on my xterm windows.
Your email led me to man xterm and look for ``synthetic''.
It'd be helpful if a note about this `synthetic' stuff could be mentioned in the
ratpoison manpage, under the meta command.
Here's the patch:
% cvs diff -c ratpoison.1
Index: ratpoison.1
RCS file: /cvsroot/ratpoison/ratpoison/doc/ratpoison.1,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -c -r1.19 ratpoison.1
*** ratpoison.1 3 Jan 2006 21:34:20 -0000 1.19
--- ratpoison.1 4 Jan 2006 07:52:39 -0000
*** 398,404 ****
even \fIevent\fP occurs.
.cmd meta [ key ] ( C\-t t )
Send the escape key (that which normally is \fBC\-t\fP) to the current window.
! If a \fIkey\fP is specified, this is sent instead.
.cmd msgwait [ seconds ]
Set the duration the message window is shown.
If \fIseconds\fP is zero, wait infinitely.
--- 398,406 ----
even \fIevent\fP occurs.
.cmd meta [ key ] ( C\-t t )
Send the escape key (that which normally is \fBC\-t\fP) to the current window.
! If a \fIkey\fP is specified, this is sent instead. Note that some applications by
! default ignore the synthetic key that is sent using this command as it is
! considered as a security hole. xterm is one such application.
.cmd msgwait [ seconds ]
Set the duration the message window is shown.
If \fIseconds\fP is zero, wait infinitely.