The result of Evaluation is this howto on how to install and configure rdiff-backup in the setting of Arsilicii
Two hosts take part in the setup description:
- source -- the host that contains the data to backup
- backup -- the host that will contain the backup files
It is assumed that backup pulls the data from source, much rather than source pushing them. This has big advantages when managing multiple source hosts to a single backup server.
On both hosts, perform the following steps:
- install ssh (apt-get install ssh)
- install rdiff-backup (apt-get install rdiff-backup)
- make sure that rdiff-backup is in the PATH (seem default on Debian)
On backup, perform the following steps:
- configure /root/.ssh/config such that it contains the following section
host source-rdiff
hostname source
identityfile /root/.ssh/rdiff-backupKey
protocol 2
- If there are several source hosts, this needs to be done for each
- create a passphrase free key using ssh-keygen:
- ssh-keygen -t rsa (maybe other types would be more secure?)
- give filename as /root/.ssh/rdiff-backupKey
- type return for passphrase and its confirmation
On source, perform the following steps:
- make sure that backup is visible under its name. This may require an entry in /etc/hosts if it is not advertized in the dns. Use ping to test (host does not seem to use /etc/hosts)
- edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config such that it contains the following:
PermitRootLogin yes
AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
- the latter may be a default, but better set it.
- copy the following line into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys:
command="rdiff-backup --server" XXXXX
- where XXXXX is the content of _backup_'s /root/.ssh/
On backup, the following commands are issued to pull a backup from source:
rdiff-backup source-rdiff::SourceDir DestinationDir
For example, if the source host is collab, the source directory is /home/bud and the destination directory on backup is /tmp/testbu, issue the following command on backup:
rdiff-backup collab-rdiff::/home/bud /tmp/testbu
Note that the directory testbu is created by rdiff-backup. If it already exists but was not created by rdiff-backup, the latter complains that it does not want to overwrite existing files.
This procedure was tested as I wrote and it WORKS
-- BudBruegger - 13 Nov 2002
Revision r1.1 - 21 Nov 2002 - 10:46 GMT - BudBruegger Parents: WebHome > BackupAndMirroring
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