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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] when restoring and source is file while destina

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] when restoring and source is file while destination is directory
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 23:45:20 -0700

On Mon, 1 Sep 2003 14:29:59 +0200
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <address@hidden> wrote:
> Today I wanted to restore some file
> -rw-r--r--    1 backups  backups      1829 2003-08-29 11:42 index.htm
> and by mistake I've specified directory as destination not file:
> rdiff-backup --force -r 5D index.htm /tmp
> Of course some error occurred (which I don't remember - something like ERROR 
> IsDir). No problem so far... corrected destination and restoring went ok but 
> rdiff-backup changed permissions on /tmp to 0700!
> Of course mysql stopped working because it couldn't create temporary files, 
> customers started calling and so on :(
> Please, add some checking whether destination is file or directory.

Hmm, I'm not sure I can replicate the problem, overwriting directories
works fine at least sometimes.

~/prog/rdiff-backup/testing/testfiles $ mkdir temp
~/prog/rdiff-backup/testing/testfiles $ touch temp/foo
~/prog/rdiff-backup/testing/testfiles $ rdiff-backup -r now 
restoretest3/timbar.pyc temp
Fatal Error: Restore target temp already exists, specify --force to overwrite.
~/prog/rdiff-backup/testing/testfiles $ rdiff-backup --force -r now 
restoretest3/timbar.pyc temp
~/prog/rdiff-backup/testing/testfiles $ ls -l temp 
-rw-r--r--    1 ben      ben         33565 Sep  4  2001 temp

Perhaps your "rdiff-backup --force -r 5D index.htm /tmp" failed
because someone else made something in /tmp when rdiff-backup was
trying to delete it.

And probably that error message could be more descriptive, how about:

Fatal Error: Restore target temp already exists, specify --force to
overwrite, possibly deleting it and everything in it.

Ben Escoto

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