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[rdiff-backup-users] scripts to tie everything together

From: Robert Weber
Subject: [rdiff-backup-users] scripts to tie everything together
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 17:57:22 -0600
User-agent: KMail/1.6.9

I haven't posted in a while but I was wondering if anyone is running
rdiff-backup in a similar way I do(or wants to).  I run from a single
server to multiple clients, and tie everything together with shell scripts
so that my students can keep an eye on everything with simple text files.
I don't like gui, but many people do.  A simple tk front-end would make
this into an instant gui.  Anyway, if people want to look at the
scripts(not perfect, but they work well) you can grab them from


they are just born, but it allows hands off administration.  I may also add
docs/etc if people show an interest.  In addition there are utilites that 
convert the configs to a simple amanda disklist for those of you who like to 
backup your mirrors to tape(I do, with 2 months saved every month).  All you 
would need is a config entry for the "rdiff-mirror" type:

define dumptype rdiff-mirror {
    comment "dirs that are an rdiff-backup mirror"
    compress client best
# if you only want the current data, uncomment below
#    exclude "rdiff-backup-data"
    priority high
    maxdumps 1

2 3 5 7 B D 11 13 17 1D 1F 25 29 2B 2F 35 3B    Robert Weber
3D 43 47 49 4F 53 59 61 65 67 6B 6D 71 7F 83    UnixOps/ITS UCB
89 8B 95 97 9D A3 A7 AD B3 B5 BF C1 C5 C7 D3    University of Colorado
DF E3 E5 E9 EF F1 FB ... still searching ...

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