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Re: [PATCH] Re: symlink fs_abilities (was Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [PATC

From: Gordon Rowell
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Re: symlink fs_abilities (was Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [PATCH]Log symlink creation)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:56:37 +1100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061025)

roland wrote:
nice patch - and it WORKS!

tested with a loopback mountet vfat filesystem.
Great - thanks for the feedback and testing.

you mean, it only detects if symlinks are supported by catching the error - but symlinks shouldn`t backup/restore correctly ?
No. This patch purely tests whether we can create symlinks. The next 
patch (today, I hope) will guard the symlink calls so we don't 
throw/catch the OSError. This will mean that we don't log 
SpecialFileError for symlinks on such filesystems - they are backed 
up/restored, so there's no need to log an error. I like my backup logs 
to be clean :-) (and so do my customers). An error log implies a 
failure, and as we've discovered, there is no failure.
that`s not what is see - because i did a small backup/restore test and i was able to restore a backed up symlink from that vfat filesystem.
wondering why symlinks seem to work and this error has been 
undiscovered for so long
It appears that they do work correctly, even on filesystems which don't 
support them. However, throwing (and logging) and error is 
misleading/wrong, so I think we should guard the operation and silently 
do the right thing.

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