rdiff-backup -r 1D
2007_48 [frmtd]/' '/home/martin/Documents/Oryx/42(1)/Harris 2007_48
ran without protest but did not restore anything (either folder or
files), which perhaps suggests there is nothing to restore? Or perhaps
1D means exactly what it says (i.e. 24 hours previously). Copying the
date & time directly from the .gz increment file of one of the four
files, I tried this
rdiff-backup -r 2007-12-18T17:00:03-03:00
2007_48 [frmtd]/' '/home/martin/Documents/Oryx/42(1)/Harris 2007_48
which, as I understand it, is requesting a restore of this folder from
the time in question. Again, ran without protest but did nothing (and
the four files are definitely in there!).