I got a little farther using copSSH (http://www.itefix.no/i2/node/27).
After putting rdiff-backup.exe in windows\system32 and putting "Program
Files\copSSH\bin" in my path (so rdiff-backup can find ssh), I
successfully ran:
C:> rdiff-backup --no-hard-links -v5 --include "C:DIRNAME" --exclude **
"C:" address@hidden::/root/windowsbackup
from the Windows computer. If I tried to put any backslashes in either
the include parameter or the "C:" I got various errors. I have not tried
including any subdirectories. I also got errors if I started the command
from anywhere besides the C root directory (it immediately gave errors
about files in the directory where I was starting).
I have not so far been successful with with backing up to or from the
Windows box starting rdiff-backup from a Linux box. My goal is to use
this to back up a Windows box to a Linux backup server, starting
rdiff-backup on Linux. However, I probably won't spend any more time on
it right now because I am stuck at rdiff-backup 1.0.5 on Linux until I
get one of our Linux workstations upgraded from Red Hat 8 (which has
python 2.2), and it won't be free to upgrade for at least the next two
months. In the meantime, I'll be watching for any successful results
from anyone else.