On Oct 23, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Solli Moreira Honorio wrote:
I'd would like to exclude directories from backup with patterns
without sucess, I've using '--exclude-globbing-filelist' and the
filelist as a like:
ignorecase:/*/Local Settings/Temp
/*/Temporary\ Internet\ Files/**
/*/**/Temporary\ Internet\ Files/**
I appreciate any help to figure out my big mistake about pattern option
Hi Solli,
I see that you have some entries pertaining to Windows. How are you
running rdiff-backup on Windows -- via Cygwin or via the native .exe ?
Also, I believe you just need:
ignorecase:**/Local\ Settings/Temp
**/Temporary\ Internet\ Files/**
(the ** at the front should match anything). I don't use the globbing
filelist myself; anyone who does is free to correct me...
Do you get any error messages from rdiff-backup? If so, please post
them o the list.