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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [a2] Please help getting my backups running.

From: Dominic Raferd
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] [a2] Please help getting my backups running.
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 06:52:06 +0000
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Hi Gary

From what I can tell this doesn't seem to be a problem with rdiff-backup but some sort of issue with ssh? Anyway...

ssh-copy-id -i /home/clientrdiff/.ssh/id_rsa.pub address@hidden as both root and clientrdiff returns
ssh: connect to host server.server.com port 22: Connection refused
If I add -pXXXX or use the Host from config I get:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found

I am not familiar with ssh-copy-id but checking on man page it looks as if it does not support the -p option and I guess you are using a non-standard ssh port? So don't use ssh-copy-id, just add the public key manually; you only have to do it once for each remote user (root and clientrdiff). Do you know how to do this?
/etc/fstab    address@hidden:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp /home/clientrdiff/mnt/server.com:/home/clientrdiff/ToBeBackedUp fuse user,noauto,ro 0 0
mount /home/clientrdiff/mnt/server.server.com:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp
returns: mount: can't find /home/clientrdiff/mnt/address@hidden:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
Your second problem seems to be with sshfs, your syntax looks strange to me. To mount the remote directory 'ToBeBackedUp' at say /home/clientrdiff/remotebackup I think it should be like this:

$ mkdir -p /home/clientrdiff/mnt/remotebackup
$ sshfs address@hidden:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp /home/clientrdiff/mnt/remotebackup -o workaround=rename

But why are you using sshfs at all? You don't need this for rdiff-backup, unless rdiff-backup cannot be installed on either client and server. Using sshfs will make backups slower and use more bandwidth.

Here is an example of rdiff-backup doing a push backup (i.e. run on client) using a non-standard ssh port 9222:
$ rdiff-backup --remote-schema "ssh -C -p9222 %s rdiff-backup --server" /home/clientrdiff/ToBeBackedUp address@hidden::/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp

BTW both your machines are using a very old version of rdiff-backup (1.0.5), you should use 1.2.8 (the last stable version) or 1.3.3 (the last unstable, but seems to work fine).

Regards, Dominic

On 30/10/12 19:21, Gary Rickert wrote:
I have spent the last week googling to figure this out but have failed.
I have 2 servers, what I am going to call "client", the system that will back up some directories on the "server". I can ssh w/ no password by both client-root user and clientrdiffbackup and connect to a user with full sudo priveledges. The info following shows What, client, server.
uname -r                            3.4.2-x86_64-linode25                              3.0.18-x86_64-linode24
yum info rdiff-backup           Installed Packages                                  Installed Packages
                                         Name      : rdiff-backup                           Name       : rdiff-backup
                                         Arch       : x86_64                                   Arch       : x86_64
                                         Version    : 1.0.5                                     Version    : 1.0.5
                                         Release    : 2.el5                                    Release    : 2.el5
yum info fuse-sshfs             Version    : 2.4                                        Version    : 2.4
Users                                 root and CLIENTrdiff                                SERVERrdiff
ssh-copy-id -i /home/clientrdiff/.ssh/id_rsa.pub address@hidden as both root and clientrdiff returns
ssh: connect to host server.server.com port 22: Connection refused
If I add -pXXXX or use the Host from config I get:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found

/etc/fstab    address@hidden:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp /home/clientrdiff/mnt/server.com:/home/clientrdiff/ToBeBackedUp fuse user,noauto,ro 0 0
mount /home/clientrdiff/mnt/server.server.com:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp
returns: mount: can't find /home/clientrdiff/mnt/address@hidden:/home/serverrdiff/ToBeBackedUp in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

Same symptom when if fstab and command is configured to use root.

This is what I hope is salient, but I will be most happy to answer any questions.

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