I have a relatively simple rdiff backup script which backs up the
`/home` directory to `/backups/test-target`.
rdiff-backup \
--exclude '**/.git' \
--exclude '**/.svn' \
--exclude '**/.ssh' \
--include /home \
--exclude / \
--print-statistics \
/ /backups/test-target
I want to exclude any .git, .svn, and .ssh directories encountered.
Unfortunately the above does not appear to be working to accomplish this
(.git directories are included in the backup). Any ideas?
running rdiff-backup 1.2.8 (debian wheezy)
Many thanks.
~ Brice
rdiff-backup-users mailing list at address@hidden
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki