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Re: cross-platform backup tool Fwd: [rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup] Pre-rele

From: qx6uwumzvv
Subject: Re: cross-platform backup tool Fwd: [rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup] Pre-release v2.1.2b2 - 2nd beta v2.1.2b2 just fixing Windows
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 15:19:05 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.4.0

I'm still seeing the behavior described below in v2.1.3b3.  Is the need for the extra "\" intentional?  If not I can report an issue.

On 2022-09-16 17:44, qx6uwumzvv-at-liamekaens.com |rdiff-backup-users| wrote:
Thanks Eric.

 is working for for me on Windows 10, but I did encounter one slight surprise.

I've been running rdiff-backup 2.0.5 (from Powershell) to backup to a CIFS/SMB 
share on my NAS server mounted to my Windows machine.  I access it using the 
path \\nas4free\finance-backup\Finance.rdiff-backup.  For example:

rdiff-backup-2.0.5\rdiff-backup.exe --list-changed-since 1B 

When I try to do the equivalent using 2.12b2 it doesn't recognize the backup 
repository.  For example:

rdiff-backup-2.1.2b2-64\rdiff-backup.exe list files --changed-since 1B 
ERROR: Path '/nas4free/finance-backup/Finance.rdiff-backup' couldn't be 
identified as being within an existing backup repository
ERROR: Action list failed on step check

However if I add an extra "\" at the beginning of the path it seems happy.  For 

rdiff-backup-2.1.2b2-64\rdiff-backup.exe list files --changed-since 1B 

Is the need for the extra "\" in 2.12b2 intentional?

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