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Re: version 2.2 --remove-older-than behavior changed

From: Eric Zolf
Subject: Re: version 2.2 --remove-older-than behavior changed
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:34:27 +0100
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On 16/02/2023 20:41, qx6uwumzvv@liamekaens.com wrote:
IMHO, "No increment is older than ...." is normal behavior and should not cause a warning, especially since nonzero status codes are considered abnormal termination by most shells (even the Python docs <https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.exit> mention this), and can cause backup scripts to terminate.

If there is a warning message, and there always was a warning message, then it's not a "normal" behavior, at least not in my books.

For example, if you're short on disk space, want to remove some increments, and choose the wrong selector, then you'd be happy to notice that nothing was removed (and your next backup might fail).

So, yes, this is abnormal (or do you call the command just to have it remove nothing?) but not a fatal error.

Check the man page of a few commands and you'll see that it's not uncommon (ls, grep, rsync...).

KR, Eric

On 2023-02-16 10:25, ewl+rdiffbackup-at-lavar.de |rdiff-backup-users| wrote:
Change log and man page indeed:

CHG: return codes have changed and are now more detailed, see man-page for details

CHG: start to introduce more specific return codes (1 for error, 2 for warning, 4 for single file error, etc), which can be combined (e.g. 3 for error and warning), this will take time to introduce everywhere

On 16 February 2023 13:06:27 GMT+01:00, tbsky<tbsky@annsky.com>  wrote:
ewl+rdiffbackup@lavar.de  於 2023-02-16 15:04:
Did you check the documentation? Tl;Dr: it is documented!
I am sorry. I only "man rdiff-backup", but I didn't see anything about the changed behavior.
what document should I read?
thanks a lot for help.

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