I'm using rdiff-backup 2.2.6 for a large amount of data. All traffic is
encrypted via stunnel.
I have two concerns:
1. Speed
With SSH, the speed I've seen is 25-50 Mbps, probably averaging 30-40
Mbps. iperf3 gets around 500 Mbps between my local system (destination)
and the remote system (source). The SSH speed seems excessively slow to
me - maybe 6-8% of the measured bandwidth.
I switched to mapping the data source via NFS. Now I'm seeing full
speed for the transfers.
Why is SSH so incredibly slow? Is that expected? I'm okay using NFS but
I liked the convenience of SSH.
2. Regression
As noted, my backup was very slow so I stopped it (CTRL-C). The next
time I ran the backup, it went into "regress" mode, so I lost all the
progress. Is there no way to avoid this and resume somehow? I couldn't
find anything in the FAQ.