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[Savannah-hackers-public] Savannah talk at LP 2024

From: Corwin Brust
Subject: [Savannah-hackers-public] Savannah talk at LP 2024
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 11:34:15 -0600

I submitted a talk about GNU Savannah for the upcoming LP and it was accepted!

Yay - gulp <g>

The full outline submitted is below and, as you will see, I've
included a section on the history of GNU Savannah.  Which I know very,
very little about.


I'd be grateful for any stories, links, and perspective you would be
able to share to give a summary history of the Savannah project.

Also, in case anyone might be interested in being a co-presenter with
me, I also have this idea that a few of us could work together to give
this talk.   One approach to that could be breaking the outline up
among us, and then each of participating can give a first person
account of volunteering for Savannah while providing the
overview/detail points "assigned".

Any other Savannah Hackers interested in co-presenting an introduction
to GNU Savannah at LP 2024?

Here's the outline (formatting is for org, if you happen to be an Emacs user):

#+TITLE: Hosting Freedom - A Behind-the-Scenes Tour with the Savannah Hackers
#+AUTHOR: Corwin Brust <>
#+COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2023 Corwin Brust <>

*Hosting Freedom: A Behind-the-Scenes Tour with the Savannah Hackers*

# introduction

Wait.  GNU/FSF hosts a forge?  What's a forge?  Who are these hackers?
 Will there be a quiz later?  In this 30 minute talk we'll answer
these questions and raises others as we introduce an often overlooked
Free Software development resource and the "smiling faces" behind it.

* Into the Savannah: FORGE!

Introducing Savannah, the concept of "Software Forges", and the
Savannah Hackers by way of a brief history of the Savannah project
focusing on who, when, and why. (5m)

* Who and What is Savannah For?

Introducing the GNU project organizational philosophies and relating
them to the role of Savannah in creating and promoting Free Software.

* What Does Savannah Do?

Introducing the capabilities of Savannah from an end user (maintainer,
contributer) perspective.  (5m)

* How Does Savannah Work?

Introducing the architecture of the GNU/FSF network in terms of the
capabilities described in the prior section. (10m)

* Getting Involved

Inviting YOU to become a Savannah Hacker! (5m)

* About the Presenter

Corwin Brust joined the Savannah Hackers in 2020.  He completed his
apprenticeship in 2023.  He is also a core organizer for EmacsConf and
a volunteer for GNU Emacs.  His rarely updated blog, where he writes
mostly about Emacs, is [[][]]. You
can reach him by sending email to
[[][]] or in #savannah on
[[]] IRC.

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