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patch to skLatex

From: C. Ecker
Subject: patch to skLatex
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 16:35:59 +0200 (MEST)


I made a quick hack to skLatex to try out what I wrote yesterday. The
patch below adds an Editor to the plugin, so that one can set the values
\skwidth and \skheight directly by dragging handles. For example

  \begin{minipage}{\skwidth pt}
    skwidth is \skwidth ~pt

draws a blue box with a width which can be resized similar to a rectangle
from the skencil canvas. This is a bad example, because latex adds some
additional space around the box.  So the box will always be a bit too
large. It should be possible to avoid this additional space somehow ...


--- sklatex/sklatex/        2004-08-31 05:44:56.000000000
+++ hackedsklatex/sklatex/  2004-09-03 13:14:07.000000000
@@ -79,13 +79,15 @@
-      def getSkFilePath(self, DocClass, AmsPreamble, ColorPreamble,
UserDefPreamble, Formula):
+      def getSkFilePath(self, DocClass, AmsPreamble, ColorPreamble,
UserDefPreamble, Formula, width, height):

           self.__docClass = DocClass
           self.__amsPreamble = AmsPreamble
           self.__colorPreamble = ColorPreamble
           self.__userDefPreamble = UserDefPreamble
           self.__formula = Formula
+          self.__width = width
+          self.__height = height

           if not self.__makeTempFile():

@@ -118,13 +120,15 @@
-      def getPsFilePath(self, DocClass, AmsPreamble, ColorPreamble,
UserDefPreamble, Formula):
+      def getPsFilePath(self, DocClass, AmsPreamble, ColorPreamble,
UserDefPreamble, Formula, width, height):

           self.__docClass = DocClass
           self.__amsPreamble = AmsPreamble
           self.__colorPreamble = ColorPreamble
           self.__userDefPreamble = UserDefPreamble
           self.__formula = Formula
+          self.__width = width
+          self.__height = height

           if not self.__makeTempFile():

@@ -152,13 +156,16 @@
-      def testLatexFile(self, DocClass, AmsPreamble, ColorPreamble,
UserDefPreamble, Formula):
+      def testLatexFile(self, DocClass, AmsPreamble, ColorPreamble,
UserDefPreamble, Formula, width, height):

           self.__docClass = DocClass
           self.__amsPreamble = AmsPreamble
           self.__colorPreamble = ColorPreamble
           self.__userDefPreamble = UserDefPreamble
           self.__formula = Formula
+          self.__width = width
+          self.__height = height

           if not self.__makeTempFile():

@@ -299,6 +306,8 @@

+              latexFile.write('\\pagestyle{empty}\n')
+              latexFile.write(r'\newcommand {\skwidth}{%s}' %
+              latexFile.write(r'\newcommand {\skheight}{%s}' %
--- sklatex/  2004-08-31 05:44:10.000000000 +0200
+++ hackedsklatex/    2004-09-03 16:42:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -43,19 +43,98 @@
 import tempfile
 import os

+from Sketch import _, Point, Translation, TrafoPlugin
+from Sketch.Graphics.base import Editor
+from Sketch.Graphics import handle
+class MyEditor(Editor):
+    commands = []
+    selection = 0 # we note here which handle was clicked
+    def __init__(self, object):
+        Editor.__init__(self, object)
+        self.p1, self.p2 = [Point(0,0), Point(self.width, self.height)]
+    def Destroy(self):
+        # nothing to do here
+        pass
+    def ButtonDown(self, p, button, state):
+        Editor.DragStart(self, p)
+    def ButtonUp(self, p, button, state):
+        p1, p2 = self.p1, self.p2
+        w, h = p2-p1
+        Params = {}
+        Params["width"] = w
+        Params["height"] = h
+        Params["origin"] = p1
+        return self.document.AddUndo(self.SetParameters(Params))
+    def MouseMove(self, p, state):
+        Editor.MouseMove(self, p, state)
+        x, y = self.origin
+        w, h = self.width, self.height
+        p1, p2 = [Point(x,y), Point(x+w, y+h)]
+        itrafo = self.trafo.inverse()
+        delta = itrafo(p)-itrafo(self.drag_start)
+        i = self.selection
+        if i == 0:
+            # lower left
+            p1 = p1+delta
+        elif i == 1:
+            # lower right
+            p1 = Point(p1[0], p1[1]+delta[1])
+            p2 = Point(p2[0]+delta[0], p2[1])
+        elif i == 2:
+            # upper right
+            p2 = p2+delta
+        elif i == 3:
+            # upper left
+            p1 = Point(p1[0]+delta[0], p1[1])
+            p2 = Point(p2[0], p2[1]+delta[1])
+        self.p1, self.p2 = p1, p2
+    def GetHandles(self):
+        handles = []
+        x, y = self.origin
+        w, h, = self.width, self.height
+        for p in (Point(x,y), Point(x+w, y), Point(x+w, y+h),
+            handles.append(handle.MakeNodeHandle(self.trafo(p)))
+        return handles
+    def SelectPoint(self, p, rect, device, mode):
+        return 0
+    def SelectHandle(self, handle, mode):
+        self.selection = handle.index
+    def DrawDragged(self, device, partially):
+        device.PushTrafo()
+        device.Concat(self.trafo)
+        device.DrawRubberRect(self.p1, self.p2)
+        device.PopTrafo()

 class skLaTeX(Sketch.TrafoPlugin):

       class_name    = 'skLaTeX'
+      has_edit_mode = 1
       is_Group = 1

       Ungroup = Sketch.TrafoPlugin.GetObjects

       success = 1
+      width  = 50
+      height = 50
+      origin = Point(0,0)

@@ -67,7 +146,11 @@
                    colorPreamble = '',
                    userDefPreamble = '',
                    formula = '',
-                   trafo = None, duplicate = None, loading = 0):
+                   trafo = None,
+                   width = 100,
+                   height = 100,
+                   origin = Point(0,0),
+                   duplicate = None, loading = 0):

           Sketch.TrafoPlugin.__init__(self, trafo = trafo, duplicate =

@@ -83,6 +166,10 @@

              self.formula = duplicate.formula

+             self.width = duplicate.width
+             self.height = duplicate.height
+             self.origin = duplicate.origin
                self.docClass = docClass

@@ -94,6 +181,10 @@

                self.formula = formula

+               self.width = width
+               self.height = height
+               self.origin = Point(origin)
           if not loading:

@@ -115,6 +206,31 @@

+      #---------------------------------------------------------------#
+      def AsBezier(self):
+            paths = []
+            for obj in self.objects:
+                  paths.append(obj.AsBezier())
+            return tuple(paths)
+      def Paths(self):
+            return self.AsBezier()
+      def GetObjectHandle(self, multiple):
+            return []
+      def Editor(self):
+            return MyEditor(self)
+      #---------------------------------------------------------------#
+      #---------------------------------------------------------------#
+      #
       def SetParameters(self, params):

@@ -130,14 +246,20 @@

           fileMngr = Lib.sklatex.LatexMngr.Mngr()

-          filePath = fileMngr.getSkFilePath(self.docClass,
self.amsPreamble, self.colorPreamble, self.userDefPreamble, self.formula)
+          filePath = fileMngr.getSkFilePath(self.docClass,
+                                            self.colorPreamble,
+                                            self.formula, self.width,

           if os.path.isfile(filePath):
                  curveFormula = Sketch.load.load_drawing(filePath)

                  skObject = curveFormula.as_group()
+                 x1, y1, x2, y2 = skObject.coord_rect
+                 trafo = Translation(self.origin-Point(x1, y1))
+                 skObject.Transform(trafo)
+                 self.width = x2-x1
+                 self.height = y2-y1

@@ -166,7 +288,10 @@
-                                        self.trafo.coeff())
+                                        self.trafo.coeff(),
+                                        self.width,
+                                        self.height,
+                                        (self.origin[0], self.origin[1]))

@@ -1322,10 +1447,20 @@

           Formula = self.editor.getText()

+          selectedObjs = self.document.SelectedObjects()
+          width = 100 # initial values
+          height = 100
+          if len(selectedObjs) == 1:
+              selected = selectedObjs[0]
+              if hasattr(selected, 'class_name') and selected.class_name
+                  width = selected.width
+                  height = selected.height
           tmpFileMngr = Lib.sklatex.LatexMngr.Mngr()

-          tmpFilePath = tmpFileMngr.testLatexFile(DocClass, AmsPreamble,
ColorPreamble, UserDefPreamble, Formula)
+          tmpFilePath = tmpFileMngr.testLatexFile(DocClass, AmsPreamble,
ColorPreamble, UserDefPreamble, Formula, width, height)

           if os.path.exists(tmpFilePath):

@@ -1517,6 +1652,8 @@
           UserDefPreamble = self.options.optstabs.getUserDefPreamble()

           Formula  = self.editor.getText()
+          width = self.width
+          height = self.height

           tmpFileMngr = Lib.sklatex.LatexMngr.Mngr()
@@ -1552,7 +1689,7 @@

                fileMngr = Lib.sklatex.LatexMngr.Mngr()

-               filePath = fileMngr.getPsFilePath(DocClass, AmsPreamble,
ColorPreamble, UserDefPreamble, Formula)
+               filePath = fileMngr.getPsFilePath(DocClass, AmsPreamble,
ColorPreamble, UserDefPreamble, Formula, width, height)

                if os.path.isfile(filePath):

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