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Re: -u not working as I'd expect

From: Dan Nelson
Subject: Re: -u not working as I'd expect
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:48:11 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

In the last episode (Sep 27), Thomas Cameron said:
> I am using spamass-milter-0.2.0+cvs-3 RPM I built from CVS about
> three days ago and SpamAssassin 3.0.0 on a Fedora Core 2 box.
> In the spamass-milter start script I have
> SM_EXTRA_FLAGS=' -u spam -r 6'
> When I run ps I see:
> spamass-milter -p /var/run/spamass.sock -f -u spam -r 6
> If I read the man page correctly, the "-u spam" argument should make
> spamass-milter run as the user called spam, right?  Well, it isn't. 
> I see this in the logs:
> Sep 27 14:53:23 filer spamd[25556]: handle_user: unable to find user  
> 'theresa'!
> Sep 27 14:53:23 filer spamd[25556]: Still running as root: user not specified 
> with -u, not found, or set to root.  Fall back to nobody.

"-u spam" when passed to spamass-milter says:  Extract the recipient
name from the incoming email and pass that to spamc with -u.  If there
are multiple recipients, use the user "spam" .

So that log entry shows that an incoming email was addressed to a
"address@hidden", spamass-milter extracted the username and passed
it to spamc, but the server running spamd doesn't recognize that

If you add the "-d rcpt" flag to spamass-milter, it will write some
more entries in /var/log/maillog explaining its actions.

If you want the milter itself to run as a particular userid, you'll
have to su to that user before launching it.  Something like

  su spam -c spamass-milter blah blah

Also make sure that that user has enough rights to create the milter

        Dan Nelson

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