You don't need to do this to report spam; just don't rewrite the body,
and send the message on as is. [I would think that spamcop et al.
would want the actual message, not the "sanitized" version that
spamassassin attaches.]
I don't see anything "sanitized", it's just spamass-milter writing its trace Received line rather than sendmail writing its. Maybe I just don't how to configure SA properly. I want:
1) Spam messages to be delivered to me wrapped inside a warning message
2) A copy of the spam unmodified message that contains all trace information (which is required by spamcop).
I think changing spamass-milter to inser headers that are RFC2821-compliant will provide this. If there's an easier or more direct method of doing that, I'd sure like to know what it is.